~Chapter eleven~

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Summer Love

Chapter eleven

"And this is ur room," the assistant of dean said, smiling at me widely.  I thank her while she leave. 

The room is pretty good, all my stuff was here, I look at my bed, and put my bag and started to unpack my bags, placing my clothes in closet, thank god they have 2 closets, so one would be mine.

As I was placing my dresses in closet, I heard the door open, there stood a girl around my age, she had black hair, brown eyes.

"Hi I'm emily," She said as she shooked her hand with mine.

"I'm hannah," I said smiling widely at her.

"Are you harry's hannah?" I nodded my head.

"I was, but not any more," I went to my closet arranging my stuff

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I smiled at her, 

"So what are your majors?" She said as she sat on her bed.

"Fashion designing," I said

"Wow, that's awesome, well I'm in business administration," She says nodding her head

"Um, do you wanna go and eat something," I wanted to go but then I remember harry gave me a packet.

"No I'll just sleep," I said and then she took her iphone waving me bye,

I opened my bag and took out the packet and ripped open it.

There was a letter and a cd, I put cd in my labtop and opened the video.

There were few pictures of me and harry, smiling, goofing around, and kissing, a song was also in background and it was my favourite song, moments from their up all album.

As I watched the video I can't stop myself from crying, tears started to stream down my face, as video ended, I opened the letter.

Dear hannah,

Hannah, the girl who took my heart, it's still with you. The girl whom I thought was only going to be a summer love, but she made me fall for her. Yes hannah, I love you and I always will. When you fall in my arms, your eyes were the first thing that I liked about you. You are shy, innocent and quiet, I really liked it, because most of girls are really loud but you, you are different from other girls, and that's what made me fall for you, your smile, you laugh, how you blush, how you pretend to be mad and most of all your eyes, they sparkles everytime when ever you're happy. I know that I'm your first love and you'll never forget me, and for me too, I'll never forget you. I just wanted to say one thing, hannah, I'm truly, deeply in love with you, and I wouldn't stop, I wouldn't forget you, if our love is true then fate will made us meet again, and If we meet again, then promise me that you won't leave me, I love you, and I'll waiting for you, maybe we'll meet again, Till then, just remember that I'll never forget you, I love you, and I know you will also never forget me.

Love harry..

A tear fell on the paper, and I broke down crying, he still thinks that we will be together, why don't he just accept the truth, that we weren't meant to be together,

I fold the letter and put inside my bag, and put my covers on me, going to sleep.


I woke up at the sound of my phone, I picked up, without looking at phone ID

"Hello," I said as my eyes were still closed.

"Are you sleeping, han?" It was ashley, I know she was crying.

"No, um, are you okay?" I said as I pulled down the covers off me, I saw emily on her labtop writing something.

"No, i just miss niall, can you come in my dorm, I'm just feeling alone," She says,

"yeah, I'll be there in 5," I said and then hang up the call.

I said hi to emily, she smiled at me

"Where are you going?" Emily asked as I changed in some normal clothes

"Oh my best friend, ashley she needs me, I'm going to her dorm." She nodded saying me bye. I took my iphone and went to her dorm.

I knocked at her room, she opened it, there I saw teary ashley, her hair were in bun, and she was wearing pjs, and tissue was in her hands. She hugged me and cried on my shoulder.

"Ashley, I know it's hard, but we have to get over it," I said rubbing her shoulder, she just nodded her head,

"Yeah, I know but I never loved anyone like I loved him, even jake also," I smiled at her weakly.

"And I know it's really hard for you too hannah, because harry was your first kiss, first love, you loved him right?" She looked at me, I nodded my head

"But we have to get over it ash, because life doesn't finishes if someone leaves," I said she smiled at me weakly.

"I know, but it's just hard for me to forget him," I hugged my best friend again, I was going through a tough time, but ashley was going to a worse, because first her heart was broken by his ex, and now she have to leave niall, we both are feeling the same way and I hope we will find our way, and get over them.

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