Chapter 5

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well i'm not all that impressed with the feedback i've been getting lately, but i'm really excited for this story and i love writing it so i'm going to upload it anyway, at least for those who read it now and those who might read it in the future, if you like what you read though PLEASE let me know!

*Ratliff’s p.o.v*

After Kelly got out of school she came to meet me at the Lynch house so we could help load the tour bus, Laura came over too.

“This is going to be so much fun!” Laura gushed in her usual perky attitude.

“Laura! You’re here early!” Ross exclaimed, covering himself since he was shirtless, again.

Laura smirked at him.

“Ross I’ve seen you shirtless before, it’s not a big deal.” She replies with a laugh.

Kelly was holding back laughter too.

“Don’t encourage this.” I say to her laughing.

“I’m sorry, it’s so funny how bashful he is.” She laughs.

“Go put on a shirt Ross!” I hear Riker exclaim as he comes outside.

It’s not long before the tour bus pulls up.

“Alright guys let’s get a move on!” Mark exclaims as he exits the bus.

“Laura, Kelly, always a pleasure.” He says bowing his head as he goes inside to take care of some important tour stuff.

“Oh so you’re the famous Kelly Voosen I’ve heard so much about.” Laura says as she reaches out to shake Kelly’s hand.

“And you must be the ‘oh so adorable’ Laura Marano Ross is constantly talking about.” She replies shaking her hand.

*Rydel’s p.o.v*

I watch Ratliff and the others from the doorway of our house, a little dismayed that Ratliff brought Kelly along, maybe it was because of my feelings for Ratliff, or maybe it was because getting the tour bus ready was a band members only tradition.

“You coming?” Rocky asks as he pulls a shirt on and starts going outside.

“I guess.” I reply following after him.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asks.

I try to perk myself up.

“Nothin, I’m just a little tired is all.” I reply, giving a little fake yawn.

We join the others outside.

“Hey Laura!” I say as I give her a hug.

“Hey Rydel!” she replies back with a perky smile.

“Come to help us get all packed?” I ask.

“You know it!” she exclaims.

“Hey Rydel!” I hear Kelly exclaim.

I put on my fake smile as she runs over to give me a hug.

“Sorry about all the craziness this past week, thanks for helping me and Ratliff though!” she exclaims.

“Anytime.” I reply.

If only she knew.

I thought to myself.

I wish Ratliff knew.

I added.

“Hey Delly!” I hear Ratliff exclaim.

Hey Ratliff you picked the wrong loverWhere stories live. Discover now