Chapter 13

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well i wasn't gonna give you guys the next chapter until this weekend but i got so much feedback on the last chapter and i couldn't leave you guys at a cliff hanger so, here you go! :)

*Ratliff’s p.o.v*

“K-Kelly.” I say again, running a hand through my hair nervously.

“What are you doing here? You weren’t supposed to get here until next week.” I ask.

“I caught an early flight because I missed you…but I see I missed A LOT.” She replies.

“I’m gonna go back to the stage, I’ll um, talk to you later Ratliff.” Rydel says nervously as she leaves.

“Ratliff…what’s going on?” Kelly asks after Rydel leaves, closing the distance between me and her.

“Kelly I’m sorry!” I exclaim.

“I know you said Rydel was just ‘a really great friend’ but what was that?” she asks.

“Kelly I’m sorry.” I say again for lack of words to say.

“D-do you love her, really?” she asks, more tears running down her cheeks.

I close my eyes and sigh.

“I’m sorry Kelly, but, yes, I do love her.” I reply.

“So, where does that leave us?” she asks.

“I-I don’t know, I really want to be your friend.” I reply.

She scoffs.

“What every girl dreams of hearing.” She replies.

“Kelly what did you expect? All we’ve been doing the last three weeks is fight, and I’m just now finally realizing how long Rydel has been waiting for me, and she never fights with me, she’s just, a lot less dramatic than you.” I reply, clenching my teeth at how horrible that sounded.

“So it was DRAMATIC of me to wonder what you’re doing every day?” she exclaims.

“Kind of, yes, I mean, you don’t have to call me every five minutes, you act like I’m going to do something behind your back.” I reply.

“Well you kind of did, didn’t you?” she asks sarcastically.

“I mean BEFORE that, in the years we’ve been dating, before Rydel got feelings for me, I’d never given you any reason to doubt my loyalty to you, and yet you did, time after time again.” I reply.

“Well what do you expect me to do when my boyfriend is gone four six sometimes seven months out of the year?” she asks.

“You’re supposed to be SUPPORTIVE Kelly, not wonder if I’m running around on you all the time, and definitely not telling me to quit the band because you think I’m not spending enough time with you, you don’t see Laura doing that to Ross do you?” I ask.

“How DARE you bring them into this!” she exclaims.

“Kelly honestly I don’t even know what to do around you anymore, you’re like a ticking time bomb and any little thing I might do could set you off!” I exclaim.

I see her lower lip tremble a little.

“S-so where does that leave us?” she asks.

“I-I don’t know Kelly, I think, I think we’re done.” I reply.

“Fine.” She replies as she walks away.

*Rydel’s p.o.v*

I was a jumbling fit of nerves going back to the stage.

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