Chapter 14

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WOW! thank you all so much! this story in total now has 66 reviews total! wow! you guys are so amazing!!! thank you so much for all the feedback, you guys have more than earned chapter 14! :D we're coming to the end though! only 3 ore chapters after this :O i know i know, but maybe some ideas for a sequel will come to me and you guys can have another rydellington story

anyway, for now though, here's chapter 14!

*Rydel’s p.o.v*

“What do you mean he left?” Ross asks.

Riker had woken everyone up after Ratliff disappeared, dad had called the police, and the rest of us were sitting in the “living room” of the tour bus.

“I don’t know Ross, why do you automatically assume I know what he’s up to?” I ask.

“Easy, ok, I just thought maybe he’d said something to you.” He replies.

I sigh.

“I’m sorry, I’m just a little high strung right now.” I reply.

Riker puts a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

“We all are.” He replies.

“What are we going to do, we have a show tonight.” Rocky asks.

“Well we’re going to have to cancel it; we don’t have much of a choice.” Riker replies.

“I’m sure the fans will understand.” He adds.

“Oh they understand.” Rocky says, he had his phone in his lap, scrolling through what was probably twitter.

“It’s been less than an hour since we announced that he disappeared and ‘where’s Ratliff’ is already trending worldwide on twitter.” He says.

Suddenly I pick up my phone and dial Ratliff’s number.

It goes straight to voicemail.

“Ratliff, I am freaking out, please call me, I promise I won’t be mad.” I leave a message and hang up.

“What did you expect Rydel, he wants to be left alone, we should just give him his space.” Riker says.

“Guys what are we going to do if he decides to permanently quit the band?” Ross asks.

“Is his twitter page still active?” I ask.

“Yea.” Rocky replies.

“Then he’s not quitting the band.” I reply.

“How can you be so sure?” Riker asks.

“Trust me, I know Ratliff, he’s not the kind of guy to give up on something he loves.” I reply.

I grab my shoes and sit on a chair to start putting them on.

“Rydel what are you doing?” Riker asks.

“I’m going to go find him, I mean, he can’t be that far.” I reply.

“Now let’s not do anything irrational, if you leave and get lost then we’ll have TWO people to find.” Riker replies.

I finish lacing up my shoes and stand up.

“I’m not going to get lost, besides, Ratliff is my best friend, I’m not going to let him wander around out there by himself, if he wants space I’ll give it to him, but I at least have to know where he is and if he’s ok.” I reply.

“What about the fans?” Rocky asks.

I take a wet rag and wipe my makeup off, then I take one of Ross’s baseball caps.

I pile my hair up on top of my head and put the hat on.

“Apparently she’s just going to sneak past them.” Ross replies.

“At least leave your phone on so we can call you ok?” Riker asks.

I nod my head.

“I will, I’ll call you guys if I have any updates.” I reply.

“Please, be careful.” Riker says as he wraps me in a hug.

“I will.” I reply as I leave the tour bus.

*Ratliff’s p.o.v*

I’d been walking for nearly an hour and a half now, not sure where I was going, but I did become aware of the increasing amounts of police cars that were now patrolling the area.

They’re looking for me…I’ve probably got them so worried.

I think to myself guiltily.

I decide I need to get off the street so I head to the hotel a little ways away and decide to try to check in.

The lady at the desk squints at me, and her eyes widen.

I quickly put some extra cash on the desk.

“I’ll give you twenty bucks not to tell anyone I’m here.” I say quickly.

She hesitates, but shakes her head.

“I just need a room, maybe for a night.” I reply.

She hands me a card key and I go to the room number printed in black across the card.

It’s a room with two beds, it’s not a relatively fancy hotel but at least I’d be away from the fans and the police.

I plop back on the bed, now realizing how dumb of a decision it was for me to run away, any problem I had Rydel would have willingly talked through with me.

And if not her one of the guys would’ve for sure.

Why am I so stupid sometimes?

I ask myself.

Too stupid to realize Kelly and I weren’t working out, too stupid to realize my own feelings for Rydel, and stupid enough not to see her feelings for me.

I think to myself.

Tired from no sleep and walking for so long I felt myself quickly drifting asleep.

*Rydel’s p.o.v*

I’d been walking for roughly an hour, still no sign of Ratliff anywhere, luckily my disguise was working though, no fans seemed to pay any attention to me.

It wasn’t long before I saw a hotel up ahead, I decided I would stop.

If not to rest for a while, to at least maybe see if Ratliff was there.

I approach the lady at the front desk.

“Need a room?” she asks.

“Actually, I’m looking for a friend, he’s my friend Ratliff, he’s probably told you to keep quiet, but I won’t say anything to anyone I promise, he’s my best friend and I’m really worried about him and need to talk to him.” I reply.

I see her bite her lip and hesitate in thought for a moment.

She writes a number on a piece of paper and hands it to me.

“Is this his room number?” I ask.

She nods her head.

“Thank you!” I reply as I run to the room.

When I get there, I sigh in relief when I see Ratliff asleep on one of the beds.

Riker texts me.

Any news?

He asks.

Not yet.

I reply back.

 I take a seat on the opposite bed, deciding to wait until he woke up, not having the heart to wake him up, knowing he’d probably had a rough night.

cliffhanger? eh i don't know, but anyway, you guys will love the last three chapters! they're epic! :P well to me anyway but you guys can be the judge of that lol

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