Chapter 8

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once again thanks for the amazing support! hope you guys enjoy chapter 8! i've got some crazy adorable and cute ideas for the next few chapters, can't wait for you guys to read them!

*Rydel’s p.o.v*

I was in the middle of a really good dream when I felt someone tapping on my shoulder.

“Rydellll.” I heard Ratliff say quietly, drawing out the “L”

I open my eyes slowly; it was such a good dream.

When my eyes are fully opened and have adjusted to the sun that was just beginning to rise I saw Ratliff standing in front of me.

Since I was on the top bunk though we were eye level.

I smile slightly.

“We’re taking a bathroom break, you gonna go in?” he asks.

I sit up and stretch, careful not to ram my hand into the ceiling.

“Now that you mention it, I could go for a snack.” I reply.

He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

“You and your candy.” He replies.

Then he leans in and whispers.

“By the way, inside your pillow case isn’t a very good place for a secret stash.”

My jaw drops as I look at him in shock.

He just shrugs.

“Great, I guess I gotta find a new place for my secret stash then.” I reply as I carefully climb down the ladder.

I didn’t want a repeat of this morning.

Mainly because I didn’t think I’d be able to control myself if Ratliff caught me again.

Suddenly Ross sticks his head inside the tour bus door.

“Are you two coming or not?” he asks, running his hand through his messy hair.

“We’re coming, we’re coming.” I reply, slipping on the slip on shoes I wear for traveling.

They were pink and had hello kitty on the side.

The boys always made fun of me for liking hello kitty.

All of them, except Ratliff.

“Does Ratliff need to carry you down the stairs or can you manage this time?” Ross asks.

My eyes widen at the comment, I hide my face from Ratliff so he won’t see.

“Ross would you stop giving Rydel such a hard time, what’s gotten into you?” he asks.

I smile, I loved it when he stuck up for me.

“She’s my sister, giving her a hard time is my job.” Ross replies.

Ratliff walks down the stairs before me and heads into the convenience store.

“You need to tell him!” Ross whispers as I walk by.

“Maybe I will one day.” I reply.

“And when were you gonna do that, when we’re at Kelly and Ratliff’s wedding and the preacher tells you to speak now or hold your peace?” he asks.

“Now that you mention it that’s not a bad idea!” I reply walking to the store.

“I was being sarcastic!” he quietly yells after me.

Once I get inside I meet up with Ratliff, who is going down the candy isle.

“I had a feeling you’d be joining me soon.” He says with a wink.

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