The Village 3

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Ok. So here's the plan for this book. I will end each chapter when a different guy is taking you on a tour. So they might be short. Ok. On to the story!!! Oh and sorry if they start out different from the end of the last chapter. Ok also if it's bold but in these () that means I'm not a part of it. Only if they aren't I am in the story.

Y/n Point of View

I nod my head. "Sure!"
~time skip to the plaza~
We walk into the plaza and I gape in awe. Aaron chuckled. I looked at him. "What was that for???"

Aaron's Point of View

We walked into the plaza and Y/n gaped in awe. I chuckled and thought. She is so cute..... NO! STOP IT AARON!!!!!! She looked at me and said. "What was that for???" I shook my head. "Nothing." Y/n crossed her arms and glared at me.

Y/n Point of View

Aaron just shook his head and said. "Nothing." I crossed my arms and glared and him. He's lying, but he won't tell me the truth..... I roll my eyes and face the other direction. I look at the cave and walk towards it. I look down and then back at Aaron. He shrugs and then I look back at the cave and go in. I hear Aaron behind me.

Aaron's Point of View

Y/n glared at me for what seemed like forever. She then turned around and looked at the cave. Great, didn't expect her to go there.... Y/n looked at me and I shrugged then she looked into the cave. Please don't go in there Y/n. Oh come on Aaron, just follow her. I look around and think. Who's there?!?!?!?! Jeez. No need to be rude. Just follow her! I have a plan! Ok....... JUST DO IT!!!! I follow Y/n into the cave and I trip and knock her over and she is on top of me. I blush. So is this what you were thinking?? Yep! Hehehehehehehehehe..... Y/n blushed and got off. I sat up and looked at her. "Heh. Sorry about that." She smiled. "I-I-I-I-It's fine....!"
Y/n Point of View

I was walking down into the cave when Aaron tripped and he fell. He ended up knocking me over and I closed my eyes. When I opened them I was on top of Aaron. Aaron blushed and so did I. I decided to get off. Aaron at up and looked at me. "Heh. Sorry about that." I smiled. Here comes the stuttering..... "I-I-I-I-It's fine....!" Aaron looked at me then looked around. "What made you want to come down here?" I shrugged. "I don't know. I just did." Aaron then looked back at me. I blushed then he stood up and offered his head to help me. I took it and he pulled me up and our noses were almost touching. I blushed and tried to pull away, but he held me tighter. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FANGIRLING SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Aaron leaned in close and tried to kiss me. "HEY!!!!" I jumped and saw Travis, Garroth, Laurence, Dante, and Vlyad all angry. I blushed and looked down. Aaron was beside me and spoke. "Y/n can love who ever she wants." With that comment I blushed harder. I heard one of the boys get closer and Aaron grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder. "AARON PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!" He laughed and ran. I kept on hitting his back as he ran. I saw that Aaron ran into the forest. I looked up and saw that the boys were still chasing. I felt Aaron pick up pace and we ended up losing them. We stopped at a clearing and Aaron put me down. I looked at him. "WHAT WAS THAT F-" He covered my mouth. "Shhhhh." I moved his hand away from my mouth. "What was that for!" Aaron sighed. "I just thought that you could you a break from everyone." I nodded. "Yeah." I looked around. "This place is beautiful. "Yeah it is." I looked at Aaron and he was staring at me. "Why are you staring at me?"

Aaron's Point of View

I took Y/n to a spot in the forest that I knew no one else knew. I set her down and she started yelling. "WHAT WAS THAT F-" I quickly covered her mouth. "Shhhhh." She moved my hand away from her mouth. "What was that for!" I sighed. "I just thought that you could use a break from everyone." Y/n nodded. "Yeah." She looked around. "This place is beautiful." I was staring at her. And responded. "Yeah it is." She is so beautiful. She then looked at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I smiled. "Because."

Ok. I'm going to end it there. I'm sooooooo sorry to end it, but I hope you liked it! Do you ship your character with Aaron or Garroth or Laurence or Dante or Travis or Vlyad??? Leave it it in the comments! See you all next time. Bai!!!!!!
~La Author

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