The Forest

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Before I continue, I just wanted to say that I was sorry for not updating. I was really busy and I didn't get a chance. Also I've been dealing with something..... That failed. Anyways lets get into the story! And yes the title has changed.

Y/n Point of View

I looked at Aaron to see that he was staring at me. "Why are you staring at me?" He smiled. "Because." He started to lean closer. I closed my eyes and then I head yelling. "I FOUND THEM!!!!!! HE'S GONING KISS Y/N!!!!!!!!!" I opened my eyes and Aaron sighed and stood up. He grabbed my arm and ran. "AARON STOP! I CAN'T KEEP UP!!!" Aaron stopped and slung me over his shoulder. I screamed. "AARON!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!?!" Aaron chuckled and started running again. I sighed and kept hitting his back. Every time I looked up I saw the other guys chasing. They were red in the face. They're either tired or mad...... Or both. I giggled.

Guys Point of View(Except Aaron)

We were walking through the forest when we saw Aaron. Well Laurence did. "I FOUND THEM!!!!!! HE'S GOING TO KISS Y/N!!!!!!!" We ran after him at a full sprint. He had grabbed Y/n and was dragging her. She was yelling. Then Aaron stopped and slung her over her shoulder. He started running again and we chased. Aaron stopped at a cliff. He spun around to face us. He smirked and walked off the edge. We ran to the edge. "Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Annnnnnnnnd I'm leaving it on a cliff hanger. What will happen to you and Aaron? Find out in the next chapter. Bai!!!!!!!!! Also please don't hate meh.

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