The Final Instructions

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  "So Frost you got what GrandPabbie told you? Gift the eldest two with ice powers . One will have full control over them the other one not. I think the eldest one should have incomplete controls. The other two just blow a snowflake over their eyes. And Voila! You are visible to them for they will then believe in you."

  "But North... How do I pass my powers. Put the snowflakes inside the babies' body instead of over them?" "You are right Jack. Into the eyes. The first time you will miss the target but the second right into the centre of the eye... It will be perfect just you see"

   "Yeah... Imperfection in the eldest will be her fear. She hides. It shoots out. Falsely Implicated and the prophecy begins I guess. IMPERFECTION FOR PERFECTION!! Woo hoo!"

  "You are a genius my boy. Here we are. The Castle of Arendelle... Her highness is giving birth to a kid soon. The rest is upto you.Your choice.Your plan..""I was right upto the plan?!"

  "Spot on! So I guess Bye... Meet you On Christmas night..""Bye North..""Bye Frost...Royal couple's bedroom that way""Thanks....North..Bye""Bye Bye"

  "I am going to miss his hugs...So off to the regal bedroom...Hmm...Seems I have come right on time...I hear the cries of a baby! Well I think I wait till the royal couple sleeps to give the gift of ice to the little one..." 

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