Farewell and Opening Up

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   They never found anyone in the shipwreck dead or alive. The sea had been merciless. Arendelle was filled with grief. Everyone failed to come to the grips. The funeral was the worst thing the young princesses and the Coronian Queen had faced until then.

   Their tear filled eyes watched the black curtain cover the beautiful potrait of the King and Queen. They sobbed throughout the entire funeral ceremony held near the tombstones of the regal couple... They weren't the only ones. All of Arendelle had joined in the mourning.

   As soon as the ceremony was over. Elsa ran to her bedroom and sobbed hard... Then she heard it Five Knocks

Please, I know you're in there,
They say "have courage", and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you, just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and us
What are we gonna do?

  Anna's footsteps left Elsa in thought... Though she refused to admit, she really wished to play with Anna alone....

   She made her decision... For the first time in forever, she will open her door and heart to Anna.

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