The Parents Discover

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   "It's so nice I could come over for your birthday Punzie." "Ya momma...I missed you.. But my sisters sre so fun to play with...""I am so happy you are enjoying yourself..." "Why don't you come and tell us a story momma?" "Well sis actually she has a good idea.. I am running out of my "Story Supply."  Besides you are very good at it." "Come on.. You are also good at it" "But they don't get to hear stories from their aunty often" "You got me there. Let's go to the nursery then."

  "Hi kids! See who has come to meet you!" "Aunty!! Oh tell us a story" "OK..OK..""Momma.. Punzie wants to sit on your lap!" "Sure dear" 

  "So once upon a time... uh wait how did snow suddenly fall next to you Elsa" "Snow ..Ha..ha ..No snow here aunty..",chuckled Elsa nervously,"Uh oh.." Chrysla had accidently hit her bare foot on the floor creating a icy floor. Anna seeing this tried to skate but failed to banging on the floor thus bruising her hand.

  "Anna, come here..",said Punzie and healed her bruise with her hair... The 2 queens gasped at the turn of events... "So Elsa and Chrysla you have winter powers!" "We guess..Mother" "And Punzie your hair heals people?" "Yes Mother" "And Anna you.." "Me no Magic doing.. Only like to see it..can't do it"

  "Great", thought Jack, "The parents discover their secret. I hope they take it positively." 

  "Umm kids... Why don't you play with snow and all... We will come and play with you later. Fine?" "Are you upset momma" "No..I can't be upset over which you happen to have been gifted with right from birth.. Bye kids..."

  "Do you think they are angry?" "We should have been careful""Anna sorry she didn't take care while playing.." "No it's OK Anna""Well I think they are going to ask the trolls" 'The Arendelle trolls..""Yes"

  Jack watched silently. "Well Frost...Hope for the best.."

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