The Intruder

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  "Run Punzie... Run. Jack will ring the security bell." "And where do you think you are running?" "You are the intruder! Who are you and what do you want?" "Gothel. I want you golden flower actually I want your hair" 

"You have the gall to think of abusing her hair..." "Stand back... I will not hesitate to use the dagger... Ah!! My dagger.. Ouch!!" "Never mock girls with ice power and frying pans. Right Chrysla.... " "Ya... Now take her dagger.... And call dad... I will hold her back"

  "Ah!! Ouch!!" "You will never think of coming here... That I will ensure!!" "Stop Chrysla" "Daddy?" "You intruder.... You are not getting your greed till I stand alive and after too..." "Ha! I will come back again and again till you relent" 

"The Arendelle family never bows down to the evil." "Oh The Queen... What words.... Say what you want, I always get my wishes... I will get this one too. " "You will never get me... Never... And if you dare to.... I will keep fighting till I destroy you..."  

  "Oh! You will? Lets see.... Keep the dagger... It will remind you that I will return."Saying so  A black cloud enveloped her and she disappeared.

  "The dagger? Its evil" "Throw it into the fjord" "OK? Who is she Dad?" "She wants my hair!" "Well dear she is the reason you live with us and not in Corona..." "Now promise me you and your sisters will remain alert always lest she attacks when you let your guard down"

  "MOM DAD...COME FAST" "It sounds like Elsa..."

   Jack thought, "Uh oh!!"

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