The Reunion

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  "OK Elsa.. You can do it... Here we go" Five Knocks


I am sorry for ignoring you

Years together excuses I piled

But I know now how wrong was I

You love me still inspite of what I did

I come to apologize

And also to promise

Never to look away when its just you and me

Fate's tapestry is not what we want

You knew that always. Wish I did too..

I have refused to be with you alone

Now how lonely you feel that I see

Anna, I wish to make amends and say sorry

Will you just let me in at least for a little while

I promise we will make a snowman

Just wait till the snow hits the ground."

  The door clicked open... After so many years she and Anna were looking at each other face to face. Anna stared for some time and fell into Elsa's arms saying, "Oh!! I missed you a lot." For a millisecond Elsa saw a white lock in Anna's hair. "my fault... But I promise Anna I will never ignore or hurt you.", She thought. She said, "Oh I am sorry Anna... I will never ever do this to you again."

  Needless to say, the entire day they spent strengthening their sisterly bond. Though Elsa held back her powers using her gloves. Luckily Anna was too happy to ask about them...

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