The Elder sister's last hope of survival

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   "Your Majesty. The Queen of Arendelle requests your presence in your royal bedroom",gasped out a messenger worry written all over his face. The Arendelle Queen had come to Corona with her little ones on getting the news that her sister's health had detiorated for unkown reasons during the last phase of her pregnacy... But every remedy she tried failed, every doctor from far and wide were baffled by the Queen's condition.

  The Coronian King ran to the bedroom to be met with a crying younger sister of his beloved. Was all hope lost. Was his optimistic better half going to be unable to make it? But the little sister repeated but one thing,"The flower.... The healing flower..." The King baffled asked, "Healing Flower.... Is it the last resort.... What is it? Where is it?"

  Sobbing the little sister said,"The trolls of Arendelle say it is made of the rays of the Sun... It is tucked away in the forest near Corona.... Some dismiss it as a myth... Some believe in it.... A golden flower so pretty it is.... We crush it, boil it and give the waters to the ailing person and he is free from the ailment and becomes normal."

  The King turned and left saying not a word to her for now he knew what to do. He called for help all over the kingdom. Every person of the kingdom loved the Queen and feared losing her... They searched far and wide...

  And just when they seemed to lose hope a rock accidently was overturned by one soldier leading to the discovery of the golden flower. The potion was made and consumed by the Queen resulting in her prompt recovery.

   Little did they know that the golden flower was being abused by a evil vain sorceress to keep herself young.... No longer could she sing her healing incantation till she found another way.... She sought the one who held the magic of flower..... 

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