Jack Is Back!

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   "Elsa...Psst Elsa!" "Huh? Oh Jack. You are back... We missed you so much... Wait I will call the others...." "Hey wait.... Where did you come back from?" "Lessons. I am 7 Jack... You know that taking lessons from early on are important..." "Yes... Yes... Sweety ... So can you call your sisters.." "Sure" "How fast they grow..."

   "He's back!" "We missed you so much." "Our ice powers are stronger." "Yeah! we can do more fun stuff because of that" "See my long hair Jack" "Was your mission succesful?"

   "Oh that ... Successful... Remember I told you about that prophecy?" "Guardian and stuff?" "Yep... I found two friends Merida and Hiccup to help you at the right time" "You went for that?" "Uh huh" "Oh thank you..." "Hey see our new pet cat..." "...But he barks jack"

   "He sees me.." "Yeah we told him about you. Name is Rover." "His wish is to meow...." "Uh Rover... Something wrong with your throat... Tell me. Anna will help you.." "I think he is trying to like meow.." 

"Ah Fella

I can see it when you're feeling low
You can't hide that from me
You're no status quo calico
So why keep trying to be?
'Cause you're more than that
You're my doggish cat
I wish you could see the you I see
I say
If you bark
Celebrate it
Make your mark
Serenade it
Noah's ark
Shoulda had a cat like you
And if
What you are
Is a strange you
Doesn't mean
You should change you
Only means
You should change your point of view

Hey, feline
You fetch just fine
To thine ownself be true
Your bow wow's
The cat's meow
It's how I know you're you

You don't need the bows
Or tiara
Bid your woes
Trust your nose
'Cause it knows the way to go
When you
Chase your tail
You're enchanting
Spirits sail
When you're panting
When you wail
You're a rover, Romeo

There is not
One hair of you
That I would rearrange
I love you the way you are
And that will never change
That will never change"

  "Nice song Anna..." "Thanks Jack... I made it just for him... There now you are happy Rover. That's better."  

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