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  Now fully healed, the Coronian Queen gave birth to a very stunning baby girl.A February baby was she. Her hair shining like gold reached her back, her eyes were a stunning emerald green. The royal family released a lovely floating lantern to mark her birth followed by the other denizens of a Corona.

  But Jack was not happy. He sensed something awry was going to take place. Soon as the lovely baby was placed in the cradle, Jack gifted her a snowflake making himself visible to her. She giggled while smiled goofily and lovingly... 

  But that lovely bonding was broken when he heard quiet footsteps.... He saw a women whose face had GREED written over it. He kenew he couldn't protect his charge without alerting the guardians. He flew the fastest he could and rang the loud bells to alert the guards of the misdeeds taking place in the nursery.

   He had thought correctly... Within no time the guards arrived, he flew over them to see the stunned woman with a lock of brunette hair in her hand. Her hand flew to her dagger."No you won't. I am Frost and I will blow the dagger like that.." The dagger flew off with a gust of wind causing the wicked one to fume...

  "I will be back", she cackled...."And then I will take away the bearer of the flower... before disappearing out of a nearby window..."Sorcery",screamed a guard and they ran off to alert the king.

  Jack walked towards the new born and saw that a part of her hair had been cut and was now brown in colour. Next to her cot, he saw an old parchment. Holding it up he read "The Healing Incantation?" Will she be the healing element. Better keep the paper with him. He will gift it to her when the time is right....

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