It Was An Accident Daddy...

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   "What happened to Anna. Did I hurt her bad? What am I gonna do?" Elsa was in a great shock. Things were fine first... But then Anna started jumping over some snow hills too fast.

"Wait up Anna... You are going too fast." "Yah! " "Anna listen.." "Great  I am slipping",thought Elsa,"Oh no I have to cushion Anna's Fall..." "Ah. Anna Slow... I am gonna fall!! Ah!!" She had slipped... No snow pillow.

"Uh oh...I think I had hit Anna's head" "Anna Anna! Listen up... Please get up... I am sorry... I let you fall... I broke my promise... MOM DAD. PLEASE COME!!"

  Voices.. There were voices.. But the ballroom door had frost over it... Voices! "I can't open the door." "Chrysla can you burst it open!" "Wait!! There" 

   "Anna!" " What happened Elsa?" "It was all an accident Daddy I promise... She was going fast... Instead of snow.. I hit her... I am sorry!!"

   "There must be some way..." "Love you told?" "No... That is for controlling... But after hitting her head... We need to take her to GrandPabbie...."

    "Elsa, Chrysla get ready... We need to leave now... Punzie stay with Gerda" "OK...We are going..."

    "Hey Elsa.... It will be all right..." "No Chrysla...Its that I hit her.... I made her fall...Oh Jack" "Well Chrysla is right.... It was an accident.... Anna will be all right... Embrace your powers.." "I am scared"

   "Fear will always make things worse.... Love repairs what fear destroys..."

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