Chapter Eleven- Training

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Just sayin', this is my favorite pic of Jaina EVER.

Fight scenes are my weak point, so chapters with that will take longer DX

Concerning the voice actress, I have narrowed it down to two choices and I want you to help me chose. I've got Selena Gomez or Demi Lovato. Just comment whichever one you like better.

Jaina tried to ignore the beads of sweat forming underneath her uniform. She pushed her emotions down, keeping her expression neutral as she walked over to Kid Flash, who wore a challenging grin.

"Hey, Jay-Jay, don't worry, I'll go easy on you." He assured her cockily. 

Jaina took a deep breath in through her nose, letting it out through her mouth. 

Trust your instincts, A voice echoed in her head.

She looked down at her ring. If her instincts were to be trusted, they were definitely telling her that Wally wouldn't need to go easy on her.

Wally crouched down low, holding up his fists in what Jaina assumed was a ready stance.

She bent down at her waist, and ran forward. 

Wally knew that Jaina couldn't beat him at his own game, so he smirked lazily and copied her.

"Dodge." An unfamiliar voice spoke sharply in Jaina's head. With a gasp, she ducked under Wally's speedy fist at the last second.

The expression on Wally's face was priceless. "How did you miss-"

"Right elbow out."

Whatever that voice was, Jaina was grateful that it was on her side. She stuck out her elbow as Wally came at her again, hitting the gut, where all his breakfast foods were still hanging around.

Groaning, Wally held his stomach, stumbling around in a daze before he fell flat on his back.

"Fail: Kid Flash." The computer stated.

Jaina breathed heavily, as if she had just run a marathon. She stood up on uncertain feet, turning to face Canary.

"How did I do?"

Canary nodded slowly. "Not bad, not bad..."

Robin cackled that annoying laugh Of his. "But of course, Wally isn't too hard to beat."

"Dude!" Wally shouted. Artemis took pity on her boyfriend, slinging his arm over her shoulder and walking him back to the sidelines.

Canary concurred with Robin. "Superboy, you're up against Jaina again."

Connor grunted, and Jaina got the feeling that, perhaps, he didn't like her. Something about him radiated anger, and some very concentrated suspicion directed at her.

The team split up, cheering either for Jaina, as Artemis and Kaldur did, or cheering on Superboy, like M'gann and Wally. If the voice was going to speak up again, Jaina couldn't hear it.

She and Connor started much closer to each other, in the center of the ring rather than the edges, fists raised defensively in front of them.

Jaina narrowed her eyes. Like last time, she decided to throw the first punch.

Superboy easily dodged her swing as she had Wally's. He grabbed her arm, pulling her up and over his shoulder. He was going to toss her to the floor like a wet sack. Jaina squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the voices and listen just for the voice.

It all happened so fast, Jaina was barely airborne when she knew what to day.

She made herself lighter, offering no resistance to Superboy's pull. That threw him slightly off balance. She rolled forward, planting her feet on his back and pushing up for a liftoff.

Superboy stumbled forward, but it wasn't quite strong enough to make him fall over yet. He turned around, gritting his teeth, to see Jaina glowing green and flying above him. She looked quite pleased with herself.

Robin and Artemis whooped with pleasure.

"You can do it, Jaina!" Artemis told her.

"Come on Connor!" M'gann begged.

"Avenge me..." Wally fake gagged, making Zatanna giggled. Artemis rolled her eyes, but she cracked a smile.

That was enough to distract Jaina. While she groaned at Wally's act, Connor jumped up to her height, reeling back his fist to throw a punch.

She couldn't explain it, but somehow Jaina felt Connor's approach. She held up her ring, creating a shield at the last second. Connor fell back, not expecting the impact. While he was off-balance, Jaina threw projectiles at him, just like Hal and John had taught her.

Discs of glowing green mana hit Connor's chest, his arms, his legs, not enough to injure, but enough to push him back and pin him to the ground.

"Fail: Superboy."

Artemis and Robin high-fived, running over with Zatanna to congratulate Jaina, who was extremely pleased with herself.

M'gann hurried over, pulling her boyfriend to his feet. Connor accepted the help, but stomped towards the exit.

"Class is still in session." Canary told him evenly. Superboy seemed to have an internal battle before he slumped into the seat next to Miss Martian and pouted.

"Very well done, Jaina." Black Canary complimented her with a smile. "Hal and John must be very proud of you."

"Uh, Canary? Are any of the rest of us gonna get some spar time?" Rocket waved her hand in the air.

"You're right, Raquel. Artemis, Rocket, it's the two of you versus Zatanna and Miss Martian." Canary announced, seeming to have forgotten Jaina.

"You did quite well." Kaldur smiled at Jaina.

She sat next to him, her little nose crinkling with pleasure. "Thank you."

Robin sat cross-legged on the floor in front of Jaina, finding it hard to keep his eyes off his girl.

"Mind showing me how to do that move you used on Supey?"

Jaina wondered how she ever though that these guys would ever not like her.

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