Chapter Twenty-Seven- Star Sapphire

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That moment where you want to work on the sequel rather than the unfinished prequel

I'll have you know the prologue for book two is already finished and so is the cover.

And the summary.

And the plot.

All that's left to do is finish this thing right here! 

I probably won't go over forty chapters, so let's stop talking about it and start writing it!

"Mm-mm! man I love Thanksgiving!" Wally grabbed a bunch of cherries and shoved them in his mouth.

Jaina slapped him with a giant green hand. She didn't know what Thanksgiving was, apparently another important holiday for some of the people who lived on Earth. Kaldur didn't seem to celebrate it, and had returned to Atlantis for a week off. Robin was in Gotham, celebrating with Batman, and Artemis, Wally, and Raquel were supposed to be celebrating with their respective families, but Wally seemed to have taken it upon himself to make sure that the team never had any leftovers, despite Jaina's insistence that the pork chops were for her bring-to-school lunches.

"If you so much as lay a finger on that turkey you'll lose it!" She threatened, glowing with an eerie green aura.

"Speaking of which, why did the turkey cross the road?" Wally asked, hardly perturbed.

"I don't know, Wally, why did the turkey cross the road?" Jaina sighed. She was sitting in the leaving room on the couch next to Connor, a metal frame on her lap over the Cheshire mask from the trophy room for measurement. Like she promised, she was making display cases to protect Wally's precious souvenirs, but she might throw it at his head instead.

"To prove that he wasn't chicken!" Wally crowed.

Jaina didn't understand it, but Zatanna groaned.

"Shut up, Wally." Connor muttered. He was watching the football game on TV, and holding Wolf back from eating everything in sight like Wally. It wasn't that he didn't want to help Zatanna and Megan cook, but he usually ended up burning more than M'gann did, and Artemis wasn't there on cooking patrol.

Megan yanked the pie tin away from Wally while Zatanna sprinkled spices on the uncooked bird.

"Don't you have someplace to be?" The Martian asked.

"Hello Wally!" Kid slapped his forehead. "Dad'll kill me if I'm late. See ya!" He zoomed down the hall.

A grown man's voice chuckled. "Did I miss something?"

"Hal!" Jaina cried, throwing her arms around him. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, if you weren't absolutely dying to eat with your teammates, I was wondering if you'd like to spend Thanksgiving with me?" Hal shoved his hands in his pockets nervously.

"Really? And John too?"

"No, no, John spends the holidays with his grandma and her family."

"So just you and me?" Jaina asked.

Hal nodded, but Jaina missed the "Not quite," he muttered under his breath.

"Okay, sounds great!" Jaina looked at M'gann and Zatanna. "You guys don't mind if I ditch?"

Megan smiled reassuringly. "We survived last year, I think we'll make it this time. You've helped a lot already anyway. Go have fun with your mentor."

"Well, if you're gonna be that nice about me taking her, Megan, would you guys mind if I borrowed her for the rest of the weekend too?" Hal asked. "The Guardians also want her on Oa for a few days of training, to report in and such."

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