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alright you bloody fruit shop owners heres the twelfth part

i doubt anyones reading this story by this time lol but screw it lets do this shit 

btw thanks to KittySins i actually have the gogdamn motivation to type this story

(i was watching spn too dont tell anyone 0_0)

i like trains


"lucien, where the bloody heck are you going? you're running like a sheila chasing after her handbag as if it was stolen by a thief." 

the frenchman narrowed his eyes but continued running, dragging willy behind him. the wind ran past his ears and made hollow noises, just like when he was a kid and ran to the ocean, only to get tripped down by his brother. 

"get into the van and start driving." he demanded, shoving willy in with the roughness of an alligator and sitting in the passenger seat, clicking on his seatbelt like a crazed hedgehog.  

"ok geez, what's the hurry?" the australian huffed, starting the ignition and driving off down the gravel road. 

halfway through the journey, willy switched on the radio and swayed slightly to his favourite metal playlist. before lucien could touch the 'switch channel' button, willy slapped his hand away and frowned at him disappointingly, like an exasperated parent unable to control his or her kids. 

"what do you think you're doing?"

"changing the channel to a less horrifying one."

"haven't you heard that driver picks the music, and shotgun shuts his cakehole?" 

"what...what does that even mean?" 

"means you sit still and listen to some good ol' metal." 


"i would say the same for you." willy smirked and whistled along with the rhythm, and lucien couldn't help but crack a grin. seems like the tables have turned with the snap of a finger, he thought mischievously.

the rest of the journey was quiet, other than the sound of drums and bass guitars surrounding the van like diffusing particles. 


"what are we doing here?"

"well, i did ask you to drive here, so you must've known--"

"no, i mean, why did you ask me to drive us here?" willy stood on top of a tree stump, his clothes fluttering about him like gaudy, red butterflies. 

like the ones in my stomach, thought willy sarcastically.

"...we'll be fighting harder versions of ourselves. and there will most likely be tanks."

"tanks?! lucien, are you even listening to yourself?"

"yes, i am. so even though there is a respawn system, some of these robots may actually pose a threat to our little sanctuary." 

willy fell and sat on the tree stump, everything around him unknown and precious all of a sudden. 

"...then what are we doing here? shouldn't we be getting ready for--"

lucien caressed willy's cheeks, tears forming in the trenches of his eyes, and kissed him again, just like when they met not too long ago. 

the two of them sighed, arms reaching for whatever they could reach and cherished this short moment before their whole world might be blown up and gone forever. 

willy pulled away first and let lucien's head fall into his chest, while he sobbed away all of his bottled-up emotions: his cheating girlfriend, his hidden feelings for willy, being trapped in a war with no end and treated like a marionette on strings...the list was endless. he wanted nothing but run away to paris with willy, and have a peaceful and calm life, instead of observing bloodshed and sticking a knife into a man wearing red clothes. 

and hearing their cries for help and all of that blood pouring out of their was enough to make one go insane. 

"are you sober yet?" willy asked playfully, reminiscing the time when lucien himself fell into the dock and thoroughly embarrassed himself in front of the whole red team. 

"shut up." lucien sniffed, wiping away a stale tear and standing on his wobbly knees. "s-sorry for your shirt...i'll have it dry-cleaned..."

"who cares about the shirt, anyway? are you sure you're okay?"

"y-yeah..." behind his balaclava, lucien's face was rather pale, and his eyes were half-lidded. 

"we'd better get you back to base. you don't look so well." 

all lucien could was nod, before he collapsed in willy's grip from fatigue. 

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