Dorks and Recreation

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A/N: I managed to get SashaL to write another chapter, so blame him for this one taking so long. It shouldn't be too far from the end of this Book of Earth thing now. Like always, enjoy ~Amaya OUT~.

Katara volunteered to help the infirmary as the 'Elite Platoon of Earthbenders' was carried in and placed on cots. Then, Katara got started waving magic water all over this one dude's arm. I swear, that thing was bigger than my leg. But I liked his hat. Momo and I were taking turns wearing it.
"What's wrong with him?" General Crazy Guy asked. "He doesn't look injured."

"His Chi is blocked," Katara stated, seemingly done with her healing magic. "Who did this to you?"
"Two girls ambushed us," the soldier groaned. "One of them hit me with a bunch of quick jabs, and suddenly I couldn't earthbend, and I could barely move, and then she cartwheeled away."
"This sounds fishy," Muteki mused.

"We're in the middle of a desert," Jin commented. "How can you smell fish?"

They both laughed.

I cocked an eyebrow at the wounded Earthbender's report as Momo stole the hat from me again. I could see the cogs turning in Katara's head as she realised who must have been behind the attack. I beat her to the comment, though.

"Pretty, pink, and gymnastic girl with exquisite knowledge of the human body and how to turn it against itself? It must be Ty Lee! My love hath found me!"

"That means the other one must have been Mai," Muteki said. "And Azula can't be too far behind."

"I thought we lost that bag of crazy ages ago," Jin mused, her eyebrows knit together.

We all shuddered.

"Ty Lee," Katara mused, looking away. "She doesn't look dangerous, but she knows the human body and its weak points. It's like she takes you down from the inside."

"Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo!" Sokka started bouncing in place excitedly.

"Who's the monkey?" I asked.

"Simba's uncle," Jin shrugged.

"His Uncle's a monkey?" Muteki grinned.

"No," Jin grinned back. "Scar's his uncle."

"Who's got a scar?" I was confuzzled.

"The monkey's uncle," Muteki was chuckling now.

"Can somebody tell me what's going on!" I shouted.

"I think Sokka had an idea," Aang said softly.

We all turned to look at 'Plan Guy'.

"I have no idea what you three are going on about," he raised an eyebrow at us, and the other two chuckled. 

He turned to Katara. "But, what you just said, that's how we're gonna take down the Drill. The same way Ty Lee took down all these big earthbenders."

Toph grinned. "By hitting its pressure points!"

"We'll take it down from the inside," Aang mused, stepping to the window.

"I still want to know about the monkey, the uncle, and the scar!" I shouted.

"Iroh got himself a monkey," Jin smiled sweetly. "We call it Amaya, usually."

*Somewhere distantly*


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