Bears are weird

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A/N: So you may have noticed an influx in new chapters.  This is because University is on break, so I have more time to write.  I really want to power through these, to be completely honest.  So even if the chapters with Amaya are a little short, there will certainly be more of them, more frequently.  So no worries!

Anyway, enjoy the chapters as they appear and whatnot.  Vote, comment, and stuff!

A night's rest hadn't seemed to change Jin's mood much, and Mogui was starting to snap at people.  I also still felt a little off.  See, while everyone else was off looking for Appa, Jin and I thought we'd puzzle out this weird, heavy feeling that we were all experiencing.

We had established the following.

Jin, Mogui, and I were all experiencing it. Was Amaya? We don't know. She isn't here. After some vague questioning - in other words, bluntly - I learned from Mogui that he used to tell if something bad was going to happen or if Amaya was in danger, based on the feeling. Not so this time. Just an overall feeling of oppressive darkness.

So, during my discussion with Jin, we both agreed the sensation was reminiscent of depression. But it felt secondhand, like it belonged to someone else. And while it seemed like the others were in pretty good spirits, we both knew that smiles hide the pain. So we agreed to look out for the others, and if we saw someone slipping, we'd be there. That was really all we could do.

Katara had headed outside to stretch and whatnot while Jin was still sleeping, and Sokka, Mogui, and Aang were playing some strange variation of rock paper scissors. I was spread out in the sun, basking in it, and Toph was lounging in a different sunny spot. Katara came running in, waving something around excitedly.

"I've got it! I know how we're going to see the Earth King!" she said, practically bouncing on the spot.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Toph questioned, not really moving from her position, spread out like a starfish. "'One doesn't just pop in on the Earth King.'"

She mimicked our esteemed guide in the last part.

"The King is having a party at the palace tonight for his pet bear," Katara said, reading the pamphlet in her hand.

"You mean Platypus-Bear?" Aang asked, pausing in his game.

"No, it just says 'bear'," Katara responded duly.

"Certainly, you mean his pet Skunk-Bear," Sokka added.

"Or his Armadillo-Bear," Toph joined in, sitting up.

"Gopher-bear?" Aang tried.

"Just...'Bear'," Katara said.

"This place is weird," Toph grumbled.

"Really? I think all these weird types of bears are weird. Maybe it's a grizzly," I said distractedly. "Or a brown bear. A Polar bear wouldn't do too well in this climate, so maybe a panda bear?"

"Nope, just... bear," Katara said, showing me a piece of paper covered in Chinese. "Although, I think it's probably brown... so maybe a brown bear."

"Oh good," I said. "Because any bear is safe."

"Anyway," Katara said with a mildly amused smile. "The palace will be packed. We can sneak in with the crowd."

"Won't work," Toph said, returning to her starfish position.

"Why not?" Katara asked.

"Well, no offence to you simple country folk, but a real society crowd would spot you from a mile away," Toph said. "You've got no manners."

She grabbed a pastry from a bowl next to her and started eating it obnoxiously.

"Excuse me?" Katara demanded, hands on her hips. "I've got no manners? You're not exactly lady fancy fingers."

Toph burped loudly, and I gave her a lazy high five.

"I learned proper social behaviour and chose to leave it," she said as she tossed the half-eaten pastry off to the side. "You never learned anything, and frankly, it's a little too late."

She picked her nose and flicked the snot off her finger.

"Ah-ha!" Sokka said, leaping to his feet and pointing at her. "You learned it! You could teach us!"

"Yeah, I'm mastering every element," Aang said excitedly. "How hard could manners be?"

Just as Jin emerged from her sleep in, he grabbed a nearby curtain and draped it around himself like a nobleman's robe.

"Good evening, Mr Sokka Watertribe," he said, speaking in an over the top sophisticated voice. "Miss Katara Watertribe. Ms Jin. Mr Mogui Dragonborn. Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty, your Momo-ness."

Aang finished his little skit by bowing dramatically to Momo, who was emerging from his hiding place from under a carpet. Momo nodded regally as Sokka appeared next to Aang, also wearing a curtain.

"Avatar Aang, how do you do?" he said, mimicking a snobby attitude of some stereotypical high-class nobleman. "Go on!"

"Do you know what's going on?" Jin asked Mogui.

"Uh... Shakespeare in the park?" he looked over at the two boys and adopted a theatrical tone. "Doth mother knoweth, you weareth her drapes?"

Jin rolled her eyes and made her way to a kettle, likely to brew her morning tea.

The three boys then seemed to enter into some kind of bowing contest. The three of them bowing lower than the other before they all tried to bow at the same time, smacking their heads together and falling backwards.

"Ow!" Aang yelled.

"Plebs," I snorted.

"Katara and Jin might be able to pull it off, and I know Muteki has the necessary class, but you three would be lucky to pass as busboys," Toph said.

"But I feel so fancy!" Sokka said as something small landed on his head.

Jin made an amused noise before sitting next to Katara.

"No one has explained what's happening yet."  

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