Really girls...there is a story happening....

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"So..." a bald fullah asked me. "Are you innocent?"
"Of what?" I asked.
"Being a firescum soldier..." another inmate replied.
"I don't remember..."
"Ah, that'll get you every time," an old-timer shook his chains at me. "Shoulda spun a story!"
"That's what you would have done, Varric," Baldy said.
"It's more believable," Varric nudged my ribs.  "And less likely to result in premature execution."

"Yeah..." Baldy said. "Better to stick around in here. Better company and the food is-"
He was cut off as an explosion rocked the prison, and the back wall crumbled to dust, revealing a man on a Trino. He looked at the prisoners before yelling out to them.
"These people have imprisoned you! Take your revenge! Let them feel the heat of your anger!"
"It's pronounced revenge, and it's a dish best served cold!" I sent a firebolt at the pompous prick on his living tank. "Although I could heat it up in the microwave of justice!"
"What is wrong with you, man?" the Trino guy asked. "You'd rather die for some town that you don't even belong in?"
"Three bullies, laying into one town while everybody else watches?" I asked back. "And you wanna know what's wrong with me? Yeah, I'd rather die, so bring it on!"
I turned to the crowd of prisoners. "These Fire Nation misogynistic pigs are telling you to turn on your people. Let's show them just what we think of that!"

I let the fire in my hands blaze.
"There is something on your face!" Another fire blast took him off his Trino. "IT WAS PAIN!"
That was fun. I hadn't had that much fun in a long time! I blasted the guy in the face, cracking his helmet. I just kept blasting. For some reason, it just felt good, turning the guy into a burnt up bloody mess. I slowly stood and moved towards the open wall.
"Let's go save the town," I said, nodding to the bald tattooed guys.
They nodded back, indicating they were in.

It was a quick fight. And to say I enjoyed it would have been an understatement. And it wasn't just the fighting. A good half year worth of anger just started pouring forth from my hands. My release valve was open all the way. That was for Amaya leaving me. That was for trouble with Zuko. That was for the fight at the North Pole that I couldn't do anything about. That one was for Yue and breaking Sokka's heart. That was for the monster Fong. For the secret tunnel labyrinth. For Omashu! For Ty Lee! For the Swamp! For breaking my leg! That was for not knowing who I was! That was for taking everything from me that I ever knew! That was for everything I could remember. AND THAT WAS FOR EVERYTHING I COULDN'T!!!!!

At the end of the fight, I collapsed, steaming to the ground. My leg was excruciating, but I ignored it, concentrating on calming myself. Trying to put everything back behind my emotional dam. And I told Amaya off for hiding behind her dam. Damn... The thought made me laugh, which made my leg hurt more. I'd need Katara to fix that cast. Or better yet, find an earthbender to make me a non-meltable one. Aang came and stood over me, his shadow protecting me from the sun's burning rays. I had more than one close call during the fight, and one fireball had struck home on my shoulder.

Katara knelt beside me, and her soothing water danced over my burns and face.
"You okay, Mogui?" she asked.
"Yeah..." I responded. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"You seemed to be enjoying that a lot," Aang said slowly as if he wasn't sure whether to be disgusted or relieved.
"I probably was, but that's all out of my system now. Calm as a Hindu cow."
"Calm as a what?"
"Never mind."
"Something seemed a little... Off about your fire," Katara said, putting the water back in her pouch. "It was the first time I've seen you actually bending in a fight, and it was... colourful," she giggled a little. "You were shooting rainbows from your hands!"
I chuckled too. Rainbows from my hands. Wow.
"What I was more concerned about," Aang started. "Was the lightning you were blasting along with your fire. I didn't know you could do that!"
"Neither did I," I answered. "Lightning? You're sure?"
"Yeah," the boy nodded at me. "You shot lightning and fire together. Not big claps of lightning, but just enough to make it fizzle."
"Okay, that's shocking," I said slowly. "Now I'm concerned because I didn't notice any of that!"
"Maybe you are some special warrior?" Sokka asked. "That's totally it! I'm so smart."
"Yes, you're very smart," I replied. "Shut up."

"Is it a problem?" Katara asked. "I mean, I heard that some really powerful benders could do some special stuff when they bend. Maybe you are just really powerful when you fight?"
"This isn't a problem. This is a crisis. A large crisis. In fact, if you got a moment, it's a twelve-storey crisis with a magnificent entrance hall, carpeting throughout, 24-hour portage, and an enormous sign on the roof saying 'This Is a Large Crisis'. A large crisis requires a large plan. Get me two pencils and a pair of underpants."
"Why?" asked Sokka.
"Because I'm just gonna pretend to be insane till I actually am and only come back when I'm home."
"And where is home?"
"Scotland, apparently. Any idea where that is?"
"I don't think you need to pretend," Sokka said, facepalming.
"Ah, shaddap your face," I said back. "I'm having an identity crisis, and you are complimenting my sanity. I don't need this right now!"
"Look, how about we stop the war, then deal with your crisis?" Aang asked.
"I can deal with that," I answered. "Let's do that. I like that idea."

Aang and Sokka helped me to my feet, and we hobbled into the town square where they gave us dough for some reason. Like, proper doughnut dough. Should I cook it? I should cook it. Shouldn't I? The others were all grinning madly while holding their own bowls of salmonella.
"From now on, we'll celebrate a new Avatar Day in honour of the day Avatar Aang saved us from the Rough Rhino Invasion," Mr Mayor was grinning ear to ear.
"What is this?" Sokka asked, peering into his bowl.
"That's our new festival food! Un-fried dough. May we eat it and be reminded of how on this day the Avatar was not boiled in oil."
We each picked up a dough cookie. Katara's cookie drooped in her fingers.
"Happy Avatar day, everyone," she said as we all took a bite of our cookies.
"This is by far the worst town we've ever been to," Sokka complained.
"Well," I replied as I flambeed my cookie. "At least there's free food."

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