This place Rocks!

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A/N: hey, look at that, another chapter, and it hasn't been like...months or weeks... yay me! Anyway, SashaL is asking if I've been a good Amaya and keeping you folks happy and posting regularly. This will be our little secret. Also, here's a chapter dedicated to Amaya's shenanigans as a peace offering. So... peace!~

Also, keep commenting, reading, voting and all that other great stuff. Until next time, don't forget about the little art thing.

We were sitting in the waiting area for the train thing that would be taking us into the actual city, people milling about in groups, with a few lone people just looking lost. Then Jet sat next to me. Well, between Zuko and me. There was butt space, and he took it. But now he was in my personal bubble, and I think he was talking to me, but I was just a little preoccupied with the lack of personal space.

"Get your hot tea here!" a tea peddler called out, drawing my attention away from the attractive boy invading my personal space. 

Did I mention he was in my personal bubble? "Finest tea in Ba Sing Se!"

The concession cart was pushed past us and drew Jet's attention too.

"Oh! Jasmine, please!" Iroh called, waving an arm.

"Got it!" I said cheerfully, jumping from my spot and walking over to the mildly confused looking peddler who had been in the midst of pouring the tea for Iroh.

"No, no, Jasmine as in the tea," Iroh laughed. "Not your name."

I threw a wink over my shoulder, sticking my tongue out cheekily as I took the offered tea and thanked the man kindly. I handed the tea to Iroh, who delightedly took a sip.

That delight turned to shock as Iroh spat it out in disgust.

"Blaugh!" he gagged. "Coldest tea in Ba Sing Se is more like it. What a disgrace! And why are you laughing? This is a serious matter, Jasmine!"

I had to sit down in the middle of the floor; I was laughing so hard. You know, the clutch your belly, tears streaming from your eyes and all that.

" didn't notice there was no steam??" I gasped between fits of giggles.

"What did you do to my tea!?" Iroh cried in mock horror.

"Nothing!" I chortled, trying to regain some semblance of calm. "Nothing, I would never mess with a man's te-hey where'd Zuko go?"

At my comment, Iroh and I noticed that Zuko appeared to be talking to Jet, who caught my gaze and threw me a wink.

I think I rolled my eyes so hard at him; I almost saw my brain. The two of them talked for a bit more, or rather, Jet was talking to Zuko, who didn't seem too happy with whatever was being said before he turned and walked back towards us with the classic Zuko scowl. But it was Jet's face that made my blood run cold. His expression had changed from mild surprise and slight flirtiness aimed at me to shock and then hostile suspicion.

Turning to look at Iroh, I could have screamed. His "cold" tea was steaming vigorously. Zuko watched Jet leave before knocking the cup out of Iroh's hand.

"Hey!" Iroh cried.

"What are you doing, firebending your tea?!" Zuko whispered through gritted teeth. "For a wise old man, that was a pretty stupid move."

"Not gonna lie, that was class A stupid," I added. 

Zuko gave me a mildly suspicious look. "What? I'm not allowed to agree with you when you're right? Fine, I'm afraid I then have to disagree."

Zuko rolled his eyes at me, and I responded with my almost trademark, childish and cheeky sticking out of the tongue thing.

"I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea," Iroh said sadly.

"Actually, it's spilt milk, not tea," I chimed in again.

Iroh sniffled as he stared at the upturned cup forlornly. "That's so sad..."

"Indeed, it's Jasmine all over the place," I said lightly.

"That was awful," Zuko responded.

"But it made you smile," I grinned. "Look, your face didn't shatter!"

"Shut up," Zuko responded, trying to continue looking grumpy, and almost succeeded, if not for the slight upturn of his lips at the corners.  

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