12. Straight outta retirement

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Life for Felicity and Oliver had fallen into a nice little routine. Usually Oliver was the first to wake and he'd go on his morning jog. He would return just in time for a quick shower and to have breakfast ready for Felicity.

Felicity's mornings weren't always so easy. Most days she'd awake with the urge to chunk up last night's dinner before her alarm could even go off. It put her in a bad mood, but she was back to herself once she had food in her system.

Oliver was surprised when he got the call informing him that he was hired to instruct the youth's self-defense class. Felicity was right there to say 'I told you so' and congratulate him.

"Oliver?" Felicity looked over as he had just finished up his breakfast.

"Yes?" He replied as he placed the dishes in the dish washer; he had finally started using it.

"When do you think we should tell everyone else?" She asked as she took her last bite of her blueberry muffin.

She had no idea how or when Oliver learned to bake. Whenever she tried, everything always ended up burnt or under-cooked. It was quite sad, but she gave up and decided that all things kitchen related should be left up to Oliver.

Oliver turned around and his gaze fell on Felicity's rapidly growing abdomen. She was almost 6 months now; they only had 3 more to go. Thea and John were still the only people they had told, but they wanted to let everyone else in on their wonderful little secret as well. They just didn't know how or when to do it.

"I don't know, Felicity."

"You always say that." She sighed as he gathered up her empty plate and glass.

"We just haven't had the time. You're busy at work; I'm busy at work. They have lives too you know." He pointed out.

"I know, but we haven't even tried. Thea already knows, but what about John? He's practically family. No, he is family."

"He knows," Oliver confessed.

"How?" Felicity crossed her arms and gave Oliver the death stare. "We agreed we wouldn't tell anyone until after my first trimester. When did you tell him?"

"It was...a while ago. I needed someone to talk to and I couldn't talk to you about uh, my worries I guess." He said with a hint of embarrassment.

Felicity's heart instantly softened when Oliver said that.

"You could have told me, but I understand why you didn't." She went over and caressed his cheek.

He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead.

"I couldn't have. You're not supposed to know how afraid I am. I have to be the strong one." He said softly.

"Oh please, Oliver. You don't have to carry everything on your shoulders, your really huge, broad shoulders. They are more than capable of it, but let someone help you sometimes."

"I did; John helped me." He reminded her.

"He did and I'm so glad you let him." She smiled up at him.

"I really hope our child isn't as short as me." She blurted out all of a sudden.

Oliver laughed.

"You're not short, you're fun sized."

"You've been looking at memes again online, haven't you?" She laughed along with him.


Oliver and Felicity had just gotten dressed and were preparing to leave when her phone rang.

"Just a sec," She told Oliver as she put the phone up to her ear.

He held the door open for her and waited.


"Felicity, it's me, Caitlin."

"Caitlin? Hey! How are you?"

Felicity slowly walked through the doorway. Oliver locked up behind them as they headed downstairs to exit the building.

"I wish I could lie and say that things were fine, but they aren't. We have a bit of a situation on our hands."

"Oh no, what's wrong?"

Oliver looked over at her and shook his head. Whatever issues they were having in Central City no longer concerned them. They were 'retired' from the hero business. Felicity avoided looking at him though. She already knew what he'd say.

"Long story short; There's this super creepy guy after Cisco's friend-girlfriend, I'm not quite sure what she is really. Sounds harmless, but something about this guy is not adding up. He looks exactly the same as he did a long time ago. Like...back when Ramses II was alive."

"That doesn't make any sense. Well of course it does. You guys never have normal villains. Not that villains are normal to begin with. What can we do?"

"Felicity..." Oliver groaned.

She had stopped just outside the door and refused to go any further. He started to reach for her phone, but she smacked his hand away.

"Ow," He huffed under his breath.

"We need all hands on deck. We still don't know everything about him and what he's capable of. Do you think, if it's not too much trouble, that Team Arrow could offer some assistance? Don't ever tell Barry I said this, but he can't do it alone. We can't."

"Of course we'll help..." Felicity stole a quick glance at Oliver who was adamantly shaking his head and looking extremely unhappy.

"I gotta go; I'll text you when we're on the way." Felicity said in a rush and hung up.

"Oliver, honey?" Felicity gave him the sweetest smile she could muster up.

"No. Absolutely not," He said firmly as he went to open the door for her.

"I already gave Caitlin my word. I'm not a liar, Oliver. Don't make me one."

"You knew what I'd say."

"Yes that's exactly why I didn't ask. They need our help. Barry came to the rescue for us so many times. He even saved all of us back at Nanda Parbat."

Felicity knew bringing up Nanda Parbat and the league was a low blow, but Barry was there when she and the other needed him the most. When Oliver couldn't be there.

"Everyone will be there—I'm sure. I still need to ask. My point is, you won't be out there alone."

Oliver felt as those he was fighting a losing battle. Felicity would never give up until he agreed. However, he couldn't have her and their child in harm's way either.

"Promise me you'll stay safe? No matter what. No matter who may be in danger; you stay safe." He looked into her eyes.

"Of course, Oliver. I promise." She said as she rubbed her bump.

"Fine, I'll help only if the others are in. I refuse to go alone." Oliver said.

Felicity smiled. Not just because she had successfully persuaded him, but because of how far he had truly come. He was learning to lean on others. It was something he never quite got right, but here he was surprising her more and more each day.

"What is it?" He asked softly noticing she was on the verge of tears. Lately she hadn't been wearing her glasses and opted for contacts.

"Nothing." She blinked the tears away. "I'm just so proud of you, Oliver." She said as she got into the car.

He smiled as he shut it after her. He climbed into the driver's seat and headed towards Dig's house while Felicity called Thea and Laurel.

Against all odds: An Olicity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now