21. Bloodlust

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**A/N: This is super short because this was originally the ending for Chapter 19, but I decided to cut this part and create a new chapter (chapter 20) instead.

A few days had passed and Felicity was slowly returning to her old self. She'd be lying if she said that all thoughts of Noah were completely eradicated from her mind, but they were a lot less painful now.

Oliver and her had just finished up dinner and were cuddled on the sofa watching Netflix. It was becoming their nightly habit. Just as the show was ending, the door bell rung.

"I'll get it." He whispered.

She moved away so he could get up.

He peeked through the peephole as his hand rested on the knob. To his surprise, it was Laurel standing on the other side. He hadn't spoken with her since he told her that he and Felicity were expecting. Memories of her becoming visibly upset resurfaced, but he hoped this wasn't a continuation of that night. Taking a deep breath, he let her in.

"Laurel hey," He said with a tight smile.

"Ollie, hi. I wish I could say this was a pleasant visit, but I'm afraid it isn't. Can I come in?" Laurel asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Of course," He stepped aside and motioned for her to go in.

Felicity relaxed when she saw a familiar face enter the apartment. It was Laurel, and she was happy to see her. She hadn't seen her in forever.

"Laurel," Felicity smiled as she got up from the sofa.

It took her longer than normal, but she had grown used to the small struggle. Laurel watched Felicity as she made her way towards her. Her eyes were drawn down to her stomach as if it had some magnetic pull on them. Thanks to Oliver, she was no longer in the dark about the pregnancy , but seeing was truly believing as the saying goes. Felicity had a nearly full belly but other than that she looked the same. She was still beautiful; still the woman that had a iron grip on Oliver's heart. 

Laurel swallowed down her insecurities and jealousy as she plastered a fake smile on her face. Felicity noticed it didn't reach her eyes, and frowned a bit.

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern for her friend. 

"Me? I'm fine. I just-wow...how far along are you?"

"About ready to pop. I have a few more weeks, unless she comes early. She might; I did. Mom says I should be prepared for anything." Felicity let out a small laugh as she rubbed her stomach.

Laurel's eyes followed her hands and focused on her bump again. She was really pregnant with Oliver's baby. It still felt so unreal to her.

"Congrats," Laurel said softly.

"Thank you. So what brings you by?" Felicity asked as she leaned against the armchair behind her.

"Right. Oliver," Laurel turned to face him. "It's about Thea."

"What about her?" Oliver tried to keep his face even.

Just because it was about Thea didn't automatically mean it was something horrible. The feeling in his gut said otherwise though.

"We were out on a mission. John overheard a break in on the police scanner. Thea and I went to check it out and it was going normal. I had tied up one of the guys and when I looked over, she was just punching the other. Hit after hit; she was going overboard. I told her to pull back so I could call in SCPD, but she wouldn't. I walked over there and she pushed me back; hard. I even stumbled a bit. Anyways, she went back to kicking the crap out of the guy like she was possessed. I used my little friend here," She paused to tap her throat, "and she stopped. She glared at me and then took off. I managed to deal with the guy, but when I was done she was gone. She disabled her tracker too."

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