24. Just can't escape this life

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Thea and Oliver decided to make a trip down to the Bunker while Felicity slept in. She did that a lot lately since she was on maternity leave from work.

"Funny seeing you here," John smirked as he watched them come through the door.

He was already dressed in his workout gear.

"Really? It won't be funny when I knock you on the ground." Oliver said deadpan.

"Jokes gonna be on both of you." Thea laughed.

The trio spared for a bit. Oliver thought it'd be a good way for Thea to get whatever it was inside of her out of her system. Exercising had always been his go-to method for blowing off some steam.

Unfortunately, she was a sore loser, not because of the blood lust; she just didn't handle losing well.

"You cheated," She said as she leaned over to hold her thighs while she caught her breath.

"Same ole Thea," Oliver shook his head as he took a swig of water.

"Seriously do you feel better?" Diggle asked after he took a drink from his water bottle too.

"I don't want to kill either of you if that's what you mean." Thea shrugged as she wiped away the sweat from her forehead.

"Okay...well good." John shook his head.


Just as they were preparing to leave, an alert beeped behind them. Diggle walked back to the computer.

"Break in at Palmer Tech," He called out.

"Right now?" Thea asked.

"Yeah," He answered.

"Well big brother, you feel like hitting the streets one more time?" Thea smacked Oliver's arm.

"Suit up, Speedy," He replied.

While they went to change, Diggle sat behind the computer.

"Guys they'll probably be long gone by the time you get there, but hopefully I can remember enough of what Felicity taught me to direct you to them." Diggle called out as they were leaving.

"Got it," Thea confirmed.

"You sure you're gonna be okay?" Oliver asked before starting up his bike.

"Don't worry about me. Worry about the son of a bitch who was dumb enough to steal from Felicity." Thea said as she took off.

Oliver followed after her as he listened to Diggle's instructions via the comm.


Diggle was right; they had been too late to catch the guy. However, Felicity had called him on his cell phone. She was tracking the guy from home. She informed him that Curtis had tried to fend off the intruder, but he was able to get away. Diggle relayed Felicity's instruction's to Oliver and Thea.

"Found him," Thea announced.

She nearly jumped off her bike and took off after the guy running ahead.

"Speedy, remember to relax," Oliver told her as he joined in the chase.

"Stop!" Oliver yelled out in a disguised voice.

The thief ignored him and kept running. Fearing that if Thea caught up to him, she'd do her worse. He withdrew his bow and arrow and fired it at the guy's leg. He grunted and stumbled.

Against all odds: An Olicity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now