25. You should be a Queen, too

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With Felicity and Oliver's help, along with what Roy had shared with them, the gang started to look into this Calculator character. He was good, damn good, but so was Felicity. They even crossed paths, digitally of course. They managed to track him down, again digitally, where Felicity and he faced off. Hacker against Hacker. In the end, she beat him.

Things had settled down again; as much as they could in Star City anyways. Felicity and Oliver went back to their normal routine as they prepared for baby Queen to enter the world. Thea's bloodlust was under control too. Oliver had reached out to his old friend Tatsu. She was responsible for guarding a Lotus flower that was said to have healing powers. Malcolm had confirmed the fact and told him if it was made into an elixir, Thea would be cured. Against the wishes of others, she sent it to him. It cured Thea's bloodlust.


Felicity felt a gush of liquid beneath her as she slept. Awakening from her sleep, she began to lift herself up.

"Oh my God," she whispered.

This was it. Her water had broken; the baby was coming!

"Oliver?" She began to smack his shoulder until he groaned.

"Wh--" Oliver rubbed his eyes as he looked over his shoulder.

Felicity was holding onto her stomach with her eyes closed tight. Short, quick breaths came out in bursts. He was still a little groggy, but he shook it off the best he could and stumbled to her side of the bed.

"Okay, just keep breathing. You're doing great." He whispered as he rubbed her back.

"Wait, move," She suddenly started shaking her head and shooing him.


"I said move, Oliver!" She screamed a little louder.

He jumped out of the way and watched as she struggled to stand. He offered a helping hand, but she pushed it away too. She began to slowly make her way out of the room. He watched her wobble away, feeling perplexed. He wanted to intervene, but he knew she'd just push him away again. 

"Felicity, what are you doing? Where are you going?" He called as he followed her.

He heard her mumbling something to herself, but he couldn't make it out. He turned the corner in time to see her slam the bathroom door behind her. He tried to turn the knob, but it was locked.

"Can I come in?" He asked from the other end.

"No," She shouted back quickly.

He heard water running a few seconds later and then a cry from Felicity.

"Felicity! Let me in!" He began to panic.

"I just--", she paused as another contraction was coming to an end, "I need to shower first."

"Oh-kay..." Oliver said. Her answer did little to soothe him though.

He wanted to rush her to the hospital now. What if something went wrong?


Less than five minutes later, Felicity walked out with her robe wrapped around her with her hair still slightly damp.

"Thank God," He sighed with relief as he followed her.

Felicity walked straight to her closet and took a pale yellow dress from the hanger. It was light and flowy and hopefully comfortable. She dressed and then slipped into her white flip flops. She threw her hair up in a quick messy bun. Oliver hovered near the doorway. Waiting for her to tell him what to do next.

Against all odds: An Olicity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now