26. Welcome home Olivia

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***A/N: Just two more chapters + the epilogue and we'll be saying goodbye to the Queen family. Awww, thanks for sticking in there with me guys***

The following morning Felicity woke up feeling crankier than usual. She hadn't gotten much rest thanks to the nurses coming in their room all throughout the night. Baby Olivia was a little upset too, but Oliver did his best to keep her calm. She seems to be the most content when she was in his arms. Felicity hated to admit it, but she was worried she was already becoming a Daddy's girl. Who could blame her though?


"There's mommy," Oliver said in a high-pitched baby voice as Felicity returned from her shower.

"How are my most favorite people in the world?" Felicity smiled as she went to scoop her daughter up.

The tiny infant let out a small yawn and then closed her mouth.

"I'm gonna take that as a sign that you're happy to see me, too." Felicity whispered.

"I'll be right back. You two gonna be okay?" Oliver asked as he picked up his towel.

"We'll be fine. It was just the two of us all along remember?" Felicity teased as she sat down on the bed.

"Yeah, yeah. You can't rub that in my face anymore." He laughed as he retreated to the bathroom.

Felicity laid back as she held Olivia against her chest. She inhaled her fresh, baby scent and fell in love all over again. She was just perfect.

A knock on the door caused her to turn her head towards it. Their friends and family hadn't told them they were stopping by and Donna wasn't due to arrive until tomorrow evening.

"Who is it?" Felicity asked.

The person didn't answer. Felicity tried not to panic, but she couldn't help it. Her heart began to beat a little faster and she could tell Olivia was picking up on it. Felicity rubbed her back and tried to calm both of them down.

As she got up, she heard the shower cutting off. It made her feel somewhat better, but Oliver was still in the bathroom.

"Who is it?" She asked again as she walked towards the door.

No answer.

Felicity secured Olivia tighter in her arms as she opened the door.

If it could, her mouth would have hit the floor.

"Felicity, hi. May I come in?" Standing opposite of her was none other than Noah Kuttler; her father.

"Felicity who is it?" Oliver called as he shut the bathroom door behind him.

He ran a hand through his damp hair and placed a hand on the small of her back as he went to join her. He saw the man in the doorway, but had no idea who he was.

"Felicity?" He tore his eyes away from him and looked at her.

She blinked a few times before she took a step back against him.

"Hey what's going on?" He asked as he looked back at Noah again, this time glaring.

"I'm Noah, Felicity's father." The salt and pepper-haired man extended his hand.

Oliver didn't bother to shake it. Felicity had told him long ago about how he had abandoned her as a child. He wasn't someone he'd willingly welcome into their lives, let alone Olivia's.

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