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Walker strolled down the hallway slowly, waiting for one of his friends. He was stupidly looking in the wrong direction when he walked right into a fair maiden. This maiden had a name, and that name was Kairi.

"Hey!¨ Kairi snarled at him as the both fell to the ground. She landed right on top of Walker. He said something muffled and she stumbled off of him.

She helped him up and they looked into each others eyes for a flickering second, but then their eyes darted away. Walker blushed and Kairi turned her head sheepishly.

"I-Im sorry...¨ Walker stuttered as he ran down the hall. There wasn't much he could do, for it was the last day of school and they were both going to summer camp. But what they didn't know was that they would be going to exact same camp.

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