Cabin Competition

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The sound of the Head Counselor's wake up call had finally reached Cabin 6, and they all awoke.

Kylie rolled off the top bunk, and onto the floor, barely missing Violet.
"OMG, how was your date!?" Kylie winked numerous times after she said that sentence, and then the other girls began questioning her as well.

"Well, we had a picnic, at the end of the path." Kairi blushed. "OH MY GOSH!!!" Kylie began fangirling about the Kairi x Walker ship, and so were Amelia and Violet. "EVERYONE OUT OF THE CABINS!!! THAT MEANS YOU TOO CABIN SIX!!!" yelled the Head Counselor. They all got ready, and then headed towards the campfire.

"Okay! So every year, we host a competition where each Cabin competes in a series of trials, the cabin that has the most win points at the end wins, and gets an awesome prize. And everyone most compete, your counselors will explain it further. Robin. Out." The head counselor said, dropping the megaphone and walking away, but one of the counselors ran after him with the megaphone.

Their counselor, Ms. Peixes, walked over to them. "Okay so Relay Races! For each game, the cabins will be sending one person to compete and represent their cabin!" Kairi grinned. She knew this was going to fun! Kylie elbowed her. "Imagine if you and Walker compete together." She whispered with yet another wink. "Whats the first challenge?" Violet asked. "I'll get to that in a second Violet, I almost forgot! For each challenge, a counselor will be leading it. It will start with one, and continue in numeral order! And we don't know the challenges. They will be explained after each cabin sends out a member." Kairi looked around, it looked like everyone was as thrilled as her.

"I wanna go first!" Amelia yelled. "Okay, Amelia's going first, is everyone okay with that?" Ms. Peixes asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. Kairi wanted to go first, but it was okay with her. Amelia jogged out to the campfire, along with the members from the other cabins.

The counselor from Cabin One, "Wyatt" began to announce stuff. "Hello everyone, my name is Counselor Wyatt! Its time to announce our first event competitors! Okay from Cabin One, we have Jacob Leston! From Cabin Two, Sarah Vichardson! From Cabin Three, we have Braydin Froges. For Cabin Four we have Alaina Cramber! From Cabin Five, we have Brandon Degrass! Cabin Six, is bringing in Amelia Peixes! (Everyone from her cabin cheered at this, like the other campers cheered for their cabins.) Hampton Heron-Goose has volunteered for Cabin Seven! Gail Archie for Cabin Eight! Spirit Soul for Cabin Nine! And last, Hope Gabriel."

Once everyone had who was participating was standing near Counselor Wyatt, he began to explain the challenge. "Okay so the challenge that we are doing is...a tea cup holding contest!!!" When he had noticed the confused looks he was getting from the other cabins, he began to explain. "So basically, each member must hold a tea cup like so." He had held a tea cup in the air, slightly above the table, with only his pinky. "The last person holding their tea cup wins!" He said with a happy clap.

Kairi turned to look at Violet. She was looking at Jacob, the member from Cabin One, very intently. "Hey why are you looking at him?" She asked her. "Oh, I've just been theorizing something." Violet answered her, not stopping her staring. "Whats the theory?" Kairi asked. "I believe that this contest has been set up for Cabin One to win." Kairi thought about it. "Yeah that might be true." Kairi said quietly.
She looked at the competitors's pinkies. A lot of them looked strained, of course all except Jacob's pinky. Did they tamper with the teacups? Or was this something Jacob was accustomed to? Kairi walked towards Kylie. "Violet thinks that the competition is in favor of Cabin One." she whispered into her ear. Kylie nodded and walked to their counselor. "Ms Peixes? Look closely at the competitors, do you think that the competition is in favor of Cabin One?" She asked quietly. "Well it usually is, with competitions that the counselors come up with, they are usually made to give their Cabin the win." She said watching Amelia. Kylie nodded and told that to Kairi.
Kairi looked at Amelia nervously. Half of the Cabins were already out, and the ones remaining were getting uneasy, well all except Cabin One. Kairi knew what she had to do. "WOO HOO! You can do it Amelia!!!" She cheered. The other two girls got the hint, and started cheering too. And it helped Amelia. "I can do it!!!" Amelia thought to herself. Soon, it was only Cabin One and Cabin Seven left.

Kairi turned her gaze to Counselor Wyatt. She could tell he was getting nervous. She was looking at him, when suddenly he had walked out of view. He was walking into Cabin Six. Violet seemed to notice too, and she looked at the counselor, and then back to Kairi. They both nodded and then turned around to tail him, leaving Kylie to inspect the match. He was snooping around, when they appeared at the door. "Excuse me, but what are you doing in our cabin?" Kairi asked boldly. He stopped immediately.
"Oh! Uh, nothing! I-um, lost my way. I just realized that this isn't Cabin One. I can be clueless sometimes..." Counselor Wyatt stuttered nervously. "I don't believe that someone who has been at the same camp, teaching the same Cabin for fifteen years can easily mistake this pink cabin for their own." Violet said. Kairi and Counselor Wyatt's jaw dropped, and a light layer of blush appeared on his cheeks.

"I've done some research." Violet said under her breath to Kairi. "So if you don't mind, please leave, and I'll make sure Mr. Robin hears about this." said a voice from the door.
It was their very own Counselor Peixes. Mr. Wyatt looked horrified, so he just darted out of the cabin. "What do you think that creep was doing in here?" Kairi asked their counselor. "I dunno, but I don't think it was anything good." She replied. "Well lets go watch the rest of the match." She continued, leading them back to their spots.

It seemed that Amelia was on the verge of losing, but Jacob was almost out as well. "COME ON AMELIA!!!" Kairi screamed at the top of her lungs, though Cabin One wasn't cheering for Jacob.
"Wow, they're even too prissy to cheer for their own team." Kairi thought to herself. This must have gotten to Jacob, because he accidentally dropped his teacup, and Amelia won.

A lot of people cheered for her, and the Counselor wrote five tally marks under "6" on the score board. "I almost forgot to explain the score board." Mr. Wyatt said nervously.
"Each first place winner gets five points, each second place winner gets three, each third place winner gets one, everyone else gets none." Cabin One got three points, and Cabin Five got one. Everyone congratulated Amelia as they took a break, but two people were missing from the group, Kylie and Elijah.

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