Hot Polish

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"Hey everyone, I'm From Cabin One, Jared Craper. Volunteering from Cabin Two, is Emma Saul. From Cabin Three, is Benjamin Mohorim. Coming from Cabin Four, is Vanessa Gallagher. From Cabin Five, is Kevin Tyson. From Cabin Six, we have Kairi Balow, and from Cabin Seven we have Walker Smerkins. From Cabin Eight, Ally Mercier. From Cabin Nine, Silver Dust. And finally, we have Nathalia Fairbanks! And I almost forgot," The counselor announced, "My name is Ms. Smith, Cabin Two's counselor, so now its time to explain the game. Its called, Hot Polish. Basically, everyone passes around a nail polish bottle till the song is over, and whoever is left with the bottle when the song is over, has to paint a nail with that color. In the end, whoever has the least amount of nail polish wins. Any questions?" She said quickly. Kairi thought to herself. She would be competing with Walker. She loved being able to spend time with him, but she would be against him. She was either going to be loyal to Walker, or her cabin. Walker raised his hand. "Yes Walker?" She asked. "What about the boys? They're not going to put on the nail polish, right?" Walker said. "Well the rules have to apply to everyone! So everyone has to put on nail polish!" She said menacingly. The boys looked at each other nervously. "Okay lets start!" She cheered, inserting a disk into her boom box. The song, "Don't Stop Believing" started playing, and she handed Jared a nail polish bottle. He quickly handed it to Emma, and she tossed it at Benjamin. The cycle continued rapidly, and soon enough it landed with Kairi. She turned to pass it to Walker, and they exchanged a glance, along with nail polish. Soon enough, the song had been stopped and Ally from Cabin Eight had to paint a nail. By the time the game was over, Jared had painted three nails, Emma had painted two nails, Benjamin painted five, Vanessa painted four, Kevin painted four as well, Kairi painted three, Walker painted one, Ally painted three, and Silver had painted four of his claws. "Well it looks like its a tie between Walker and Emma!" Ms. Smith said through gritted teeth. "This means that you guys will have a round together." She handed Emma a hot pink bottle, and started playing "The Eye of the Tiger". Somewhere around the chorus, the music stopped, and Emma was left with the bottle. She threw it on the ground, and screamed. She then ran into the forest in anger. Walker and his cabin cheered, as the counselor gave Cabin Seven five points, Cabin Two three points, and Cabin Four one point. That meant that Cabin Seven and Six were in a tie for first place. And Cabin One and Two were in a tie for second. And Cabin Five and Four were in a tie for third. That meant that Cabin Eight, Nine, Three, and Ten were in last place. Kairi looked at the sky. The sun was starting to set. The head counselor came out and said that that was the end of the activities for the day, but it would be continued the tomorrow and everyone needed to get some rest. Before she went to her cabin, Kairi looked around for Walker. Once she had spotted him, she walked over. "Hey, good job today." She said smiling. "Thanks, you did good too." He said with a grin. "Nah, I didn't score my team any points. Well I guess we better get to bed." She said looking at the ground. Walker nodded and they both headed their separate ways. 

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