The Counselors

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Kairi rolled around her bed and looked around the cabin. Amelia's mom had replaced her bed earlier, after making Amelia promise never to put the suitcase on her bed again. She then began to think about Walker. She didn't feel that good about what had happened during their previous encounter. It was so easy to talk to him before, but their conversation was really uncomfortable. Kairi sighed, when something fell above her. She searched around for what it was. She had finally found it, and she whimpered slightly when she realized what it was. It was a teddy bear with a noose around its neck. Kairi got out of bed, and looked to where it fell from. It came from Kylie's bed. She climbed up to where she slept and she saw something strange. Kylie was tying nooses around stuffed animal necks. Kairi whispered so she wouldn't wake the other girls up, "Kylie!" but got no response. She looked at Kylie more closely, and she saw that her eyes were closed.  Kairi sighed, and got back into bed.  She soon realized that she couldn't sleep, so she left the cabin. She sat by the bonfire for a little bit, when she noticed something. There was an extremely faint light near Cabin 12. Kairi began to walk over towards it, but not identifying any objects. She looked around for the source, and saw that a log was illuminated a bit. She rolled the log over quietly, and a trapdoor was revealed. She gasped, and held her hands to her mouth in shock. She pulled it up, and walked down a ladder. There was a small tunnel, and at the end was a room, she could see the shadows of a couple of people and a lantern. She walked towards it, but positioned herself so they couldn't see her. 

"What are we going to do about Cabin Six?" said a male voice, that Kairi identified as Mr. Wyatt.

"We can't let them win, thats for sure." said another male voice.

"We could hurt one of the members, so they couldn't compete." one of the counselors added in.

"Thats a great idea Cinder. We could do that, and make the challenges harder, and more in favor of someone else." said a female voice that belonged to Ms. Smith.

"Yeah but we tried having them in favor of each cabin, it worked every year except for this one!" And how are we going to sabotage one of the campers exactly? Mr. Wyatt raised his voice slightly.  

Kairi moved her head further out to get a better view of the people inside. She saw a lot of the counselors, but quickly moved back, she couldn't risk looking that long. She couldn't believe her ears. They were planning on sabotaging Cabin Six!

"So Dougherty, got any ideas for the challenge?" A voice asked, then a voice answered, who Kairi guessed was Dougherty. 

"Erm... We could do a calculating challenge." He said awkwardly. 

"Well yeah we could, no one else is as good at math as your cabin, so thats a sure win!" cheered Ms. Smith. 

"Well what about the sabotage?" asked someone. 

"Just get one of their enemies to do it, lead them into a trap or something. Let's have Wyatt in charge of that." 

Kairi watched the shadows nod in agreement, and they began to stand up. She had a sudden moment of realization, so she darted up the ladder and out of the trapdoor. She threw it down carefully, and dragged the log over the entrance. She ran back to Cabin Six, and slammed the door shut. She rolled into bed, and thought about what had happened. They were going to not only sabotage Cabin Six, but they were going to make it harder for them to win. Kairi gritted her teeth. She knew she would have to tell her fellow campers about it, but would they believe her? She sighed, and pulled up her blankets. Within a few minutes she had drifted into a deep sleep. 

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