The Bonfire

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The group of kids sat down by the fire. Kairi looked to her left and saw Cabin Nine.
She now understood what her counselor meant. They were covered in hair. One of the kids looked like they glued hair to their body.
"That kid must have problems, just because you're a furry doesn't mean you have to have fur everywhere, just have some ears and a tail." Kairi thought to herself.
However, the other three kids must have shared Kairi's view, because they were only wearing ears and a tail.

As the counselors passed around hotdogs, she decided to take a look at the other cabins.

She looked passed Amelia who was gorging herself on hotdogs and saw the other cabins. Cabin One was placing fabric over the log cautiously because they didn't want to get dirty.
Cabin Two was eating food they had smuggled from outside the camp.
Cabin Three were eating their hotdogs very slowly and talking quietly among themselves.
The Cabin Four girls were just holding their hotdogs and staring at the flames of the fire.
Cabin Five boys were having a competition of who could eat the most hotdogs and one kid looked like he had passed out after throwing up on his shirt.
Cabin Seven wasn't eating theirs, they were just taking pictures of it.
Eight was questioning the Counselors furiously if their hotdogs contained any real meat.
Ten was talking to each other quietly and eating their food happily.

Kylie leaned over to Kairi and asked if they should dump some mud boys while they slept. She replied that it still wouldn't be as dirty as their personality, and they then both looked at Cabin One in disgust.

After they had finished eating, the counselors began to speak.
"My name is Robin Wilson, and I am the head counselor. My fellow staff will be your mentors and you will obey them. Here at Camp Romance, we hope that you will have a lot of fun and find some love." He winked at the last word and continued, "Okay so tonight we will converse, then tomorrow we have some activities planned. Well that is all!" With those final words, he left and walked towards Cabin Eleven.

Violet stood up from her log and walked towards The Cabin Nine members. "Hi, my name's Violet. I'm from Cabin Six, I heard you guys were from Cabin Nine and I wanted to say hello." She said to them.

"Hello, my name is Crimson," the one with the red ears and fluffiest tail said, "and this is Spirit, Silver, and Storm." He said motioning towards the other campers. "It's nice to meet all of you." She said and walked back to her fellow cabin members.

Kairi decided to do the same and she walked towards the Cabin Seven members. She was just about to greet them when one of them turned around, it was Walker!

They gazed into each others eyes until one of the Cabin Seven members got between them.

"Heeey dude what are you doing?" said one of the kids. Walker looked in the other direction.

"Oh-nothing." He replied. He stood up with his ketchup hotdog in one hand. He began walking towards Cabin Seven when he placed one foot under a root and toppled over right on top of Kairi. His hotdog slammed right into her face.

A blonde girl from Cabin Two walked over to the scene. "Like, what is happening here?" Emma asked. Her friends were behind her. "It looks like the little girl got herself a booooyfriend." laughed Sarah, another popular girl. The other two girls, Leah and Kagan, started laughing as well. "Hey stop being jerks." yelled Kylie as she helped Kairi up.

"What's cooking good looking?" Elijah asked Kylie, grabbing her from behind.  Kairi looked at Kylie and saw that she was like putty in his hands.
"Hey dude lets calm down." A boy wearing gym shorts and a tshirt said. He also had dark brown hair that hugged hi s head.
"I don't think you know what you're doing, so let's just..." The boy said, carefully reaching for a hotdog that was currently next to the awfully furry child.
"CALM DOWN!"  He barked, taking the hotdog and flinging as hard as he could, straight past Kylie's head and right into Elijah's mouth.

Elijah screeched and immediately let Kylie go.  Kylie ran up to the kid and hugged him as hard as she could.

"Thanks...?" Kylie inquired.
"It's Tyler, and no problem." He grinned.

Elijah's posse carefully lead him back to Cabin One. But Elijah turned to look over his shoulder and whispered, "You'll be sorry."

After the Cabin One and Two kids left, the child covered with fake hair took the liberty to say he marked his territory by peeing on the hot dog that had been flung into Elijah's mouth.

Eventually, the night had calmed down and everyone had gone back to their cabins. Kairi rolled around in her bed, anxious for the next day's activities.

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