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Daylight had finally pierced through the window of Cabin Seven. Luckily, they had woken up before the head counselor so they had time to talk. "Guys I have something to say." Kylie said happily. "Hm?" Violet asked. "Well first, I was wondering if it was okay with you if I competed today, Violet, me and Elijah sorta promised each other that we would compete today so we could hang out some more." With that, she had put on puppy eyes. "Yeah, its fine." Violet said yawning, and Kylie cheered.  

"Uh guys, theres something I need to tell you." "What is it?" Amelia asked sleepily. "Well, yesterday I couldn't sleep so I left the cabin and sat by the bonfire, thats when I saw a light near Cabin Twelve, and it turned out that it was an entrance." began to tell them. The others looked at her skeptically. "Really?" Kylie asked with a laugh, but when she saw Kairi's face, she stopped. Then she continued. "I walked in, and the counselors were there talking, but they didn't see me. They said that they couldn't let Cabin Six win the competition, and that they would sabotage us to stop us from winning, they said that we couldn't get the prize." She concluded. At first, everyone was silent. But Kylie began to talk again. "Kairi, are you serious?" "I'm completely serious." Kairi said. "I see." Kylie's eyes narrowed. "I cannot believe that you are so jealous of my relationship with Elijah, that you would as far as to lie! The counselors "sabotaging" us? That is so ridiculous Kairi! You just want to compete with Elijah!" She stormed out of the cabin fuming. Kairi felt really bad. She didn't believe her, and worse, she was furious with her. She didn't mean to hurt her feelings."Well you guys believe me, right?" Kairi turned to look at her other friends. "Well... Yeah, you don't really have  a reason to lie." Amelia said slightly nervous. "But since you are telling the truth, then it means that Kylie is in more danger than everyone else in this cabin. She's the one competing, and she has no means to protect herself." Violet chimed in. Then Kairi suddenly remembered something. "Wait, I also overheard them talking about the challenge. They said since today was the brainiac day, they would do a math competition!"  "Well, Kylie is probably the best at math in Cabin Six." Amelia said. "But against Cabin Three?" Kairi asked rubbing her chin. 

After talking to the girls, Kairi left the Cabin to talk to Kylie. When she exited, she looked around. Kylie was no where in site. Luckily, it had rained the night before and it was muddy. She soon found Kylie's footprints that led to the path. She was about to run to it, when someone held her back. It was Ms. Peixes. "Please let me go, I need to go talk to-" Kairi began to explain when she was cut off. "Hey, sorry but the challenge is about to start and you can't leave." She said. "But Ky-" She continued, but was cut off again. "No excuses, if you leave. You'll be banned from entering the competition!" Ms. Peixes said. Kairi's darted from the path, to Ms. Peixes. "I'm sorry." Kairi whispered, then ran to the path. "KAIRI BALOW!!!" She yelled after her, but she was gone. She had finally gotten to the end, and saw Kylie. "Look, Kylie, I'm sorry about earlier. But I was telling the truth. I have proof." She said. Kylie was leaning against a tree, looking at the ground. She looked up to tell Kairi something. "I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to act like that, I just really like Elijah," Kylie paused, "What's your proof?" She asked. "Well, when you compete today, if the challenge is a math competition, then that shows that I overheard their conversation." Kairi told her. Kylie smiled. "Okay, and if you're wrong, then you owe me a Sebastian doll!" Kylie grinned, as Kairi agreed reluctantly. And together, they walked back to the cabins. 

Once they were there, they were greeted by Ms. Peixes. "You young lady, are in big trouble." She said through gritted teeth. "Go back to our Cabin, I'll tell you about this later." Kairi whispered to Kylie. She nodded, and ran past the adult. Ms. Peixes eyes followed her as she left. "Follow me." She told Kairi, as they walked towards Cabin Eleven. She knocked on the door, and was greeted by a tired Head Cousnelor Robin. "I'm here to ban Kairi Balow from Cabin Six from competing in the Cabin Competitions." Ms. Peixes told him. "Ah well, what did she do?" He asked looking at her up and down. "She was strictly forbidden from entering the path, as the competition was about to start, and she entered it anyways." She replied. "Hmm," Robin said, "Well, I'm sorry Kairi, but rules are rules. You can't compete it the competitions from now till the end of camp." Kairi sighed and nodded. She couldn't believe this. How was she supposed to help her team like this? Let alone meet up with Walker. She then walked back to her cabin to prepare. 

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