Rekindled Love

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"So how did your questionings go?" Violet asked propping herself against a wall in Cabin Six. Kairi thought to herself. Had the others known about the cause of Jacob's death? "Um fine, except, the police man told me something, about the death of Jacob..." Kairi said. "What about it?" Amelia said hanging upside down from Kylie's bed. "He said, he said that it was a person that killed him." Kairi said biting her lip. At those words, Kylie dropped the book she was reading and Amelia fell off the bed. "Oh my gosh! Who do you think did it?" Amelia said peeling herself from the floor. "Maybe it was a camper, did he have any enemies?" Violet said crossing her arms. "We'll probably," Kylie chimed in.
There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Kairi said. The door opened and a kid came in. He had short, dark brown hair, and square glasses. "Hey Tyler," Kairi said waving. "There's a rumor that you guys got questioned, is it true?" He asked. "Yup," Violet said. "Haha, nice!" He said laughing. "What'd you guys do?" He said pushing his glasses back. "We, um, sorta threatened Elijah last night, and someone blabbed." Kylie said. "Who could've told the counsellors?" Elijah asked leaning against a wall. "Either Elijah, or...." Kairi began then it hit her. "Jared!" She yelled darting out the door. Violet sighed as Amelia ran out after her, but Violet hanged at the door. "You coming?" She asked seeing Kylie stay at the top bunk. "Uh, yeah." She said nervously. Violet nodded and darted after the girls.

They had arrived at Cabin One. Kairi knocked lightly on the door. It swung open, and Jared stood behind it. He faked wiping his eyes the said, "What are you guys doing around here?" "Nark!" Amelia yelled from behind Kairi. "Excuse me?" He asked. "You told the counselors that we threatened Elijah, didn't you?" Kairi asked. "I would never!" He said throwing his arms in the air dramatically. "Well got to go!" He said looking behind him and slammed the door. "Open the door you-" Amelia began but did not continue because the author of this story cut her off. "What a great use of time." Violet said sarcastically. "Well, I'm gonna go talk to Walker, and see what he thinks of the whole situation." Kairi said. "Yeah," Amelia said then used her fingers as quotation marks, "Talk," Kairi rolled her eyes then walked to Cabin Seven.

Kairi knocked a couple of times on the door, and Tyler Crotchwell opened the door. "Wow Kairi, I didn't think you missed me that much." He said. "Is Walker there?" She asked. "Hmm... Walker are you there?!" He yelled behind him. "Oh my god Tyler." A voice yelled. "Yup." Tyler grinned at Kairi. Walker shoved Tyler away from the door. "Sup Kairi!" Walker said. "Wanna come inside?" He offered, opening the door more." "Um sure," Kairi said walking in.

It was arranged the same way as Cabin Six except more boyish. Clothes were thrown everywhere and there were a few knickknacks.  Walker showed her a bed with blue sheets. "That's my bed, you can sit there." He said. "Wow Walker, that's a bit too quick to be letting her in the bed, don't you think?" Tyler laughed. Walker sighed, "Can you leave please?" "Fine, I'll just hang with Kylie." He said walking out the door.

"Nice place," Kairi said. "Thanks, anyways, what'd you wanna talk about?" Walker asked. "I just wanted to know if you knew anything about Jacob's death." Kairi said awkwardly. "Oh, not really." He said hanging his head. "Oh, no problem, well I've got to go." Kairi excused herself and walked towards the door. "Wait-" Walker said grabbing her arm. She turned her head and he kissed her. Kairi's cheeks turned redder than her hair. Right as this happened, Tyler slammed the door open, making the door slide over her toes. She screamed and began to massage her hurt foot. "Oh my gosh, I just came to get my papers, I'm so sorry Kairi!" He said bending down to help her, "No problem," Kairi said through gritted teeth. "I'll just be going," She said,  and walked out the door on her heels.

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