The Path

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Kairi looked at the clock, 9:30. "Don't worry, it'll come soon enough!" Kylie comforted her. "BUT IT HASN'T COME YET!!!" Kairi yelled, and flopped on her bed. Violet was busying gluing photos into a book she had brough along. "Hey, what'cha doing?" Amelia asked, climbing up to Violet's bunk. "Making a scrapbook." She answered, still focusing on her book. "Oooh a lot of pages of Kairi x Walker romance!" Amelia giggled. "WHAT?!" Kairi rolled onto the floor and looked at the scrapbook. Amelia climbed back down to her bunk, and lifted her suitcase onto her bed, when suddenly there was  a huge SNAP! Amelia's bottom bunk had broke, leaving a large gaping hole where her suitcase one laid. "Uh oh!" Amelia snickered. Violet climbed down from her bunk, and immediately face palmed at the sight of this. "You can sleep in my bunk for the night, I'll just sleep on the floor." Violet said, grabbing the her blankets, and suitcase, and arranging it on the floor. "Just don't try to take your suitcase up there." Violet continued. "Thanks Vi!" Amelia cheered and she climbed up to the top bunk, with her sleeping materials. "Thank goodness that sound didn't wake anyone else up." Kylie said to Kairi. "Yeah, that could have ended badly," Kairi replied, "AND IT WOULD HAVE STOPPED MY ARRANGEMENTS WITH WALKER!" She yelled nervously. She looked at the clock again, 9:45. She would soon be alone with Walker. Kairi had began to fantasize about the two of them together, and swooned. But thank goodness Kylie was there to catch her. Kylie rolled Kairi into her bunk, and they all waited for 10:00 to come around.

Kairi rolled off the bed at the sight of 9:59. "Bye everyone!" She said, darting out of the cabin. She ran towards the back of her cabin. "The path!" She said to herself cheerfully. She looked around for Walker, he was right there waiting for her. "Hey Walker!" She greeted him. "Hi Kairi!" He greeted her back enthusiastically. He offered his hand, she took it, and they walked down the dark area, into the woods. It was really dark, and Kairi had to make sure not to step on any tree roots that may have been on the path, but with Walker guiding her, she felt safe. They had finally came to the end of it, and there was a large open area. And the trees formed a circle around, making it a funnel for the moonlight. "Wow, this is really beautiful Walker." She smiled looking around. He grinned back. "Lets sit down." He offered. There was a picnic blanket on the ground, along with a picnic basket. "Did you put this here?" She asked, still smiling. "I may have." Walker said with a wink. Once they were both seated, Walker took the food out of the basket. There were chocolate covered strawberries. "How did he know that strawberries are my favorite?" Kairi questioned herself. He offered her a few, and she took them gratefully. "Walker, I l-love you." She said nervously. "I love you too Kairi." He said gazing at her. She blushed. "This might be better than the time he kissed me." Kairi thought to herself. Kairi leaned in closer to Walker, and she put her lips against hers. Once they finished kissing, Walker looked at the watch on his wrist. "1:00, it looks like we better start packing up." He said shyly. "Oh, yeah." Kairi agreed. Walker gathered the blanket and the basket, and they headed out. "I had a really great time Walker." Kairi said at the door of her cabin. "Me too." He said waving goodbye. 

She opened the cabin door, they were all asleep. "At least I can have some peace after that wonderful time." Kairi thought to herself, as she carefully dodged Violet's sleeping body. She then laid in bed, and fell fast asleep.

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