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Kairi walked back to her cabin only to find that no one was there. Where are they, Kairi thought to herself. After a few minutes, she realized that she had nothing to do, so she walked out. She wanted something really interesting to do, so she went to spy on some people, because why not? She walked to the back of Cabin One and pressed her ear against the door. "Wasn't that just a splendid thing to do?" She heard a cocky voice say, whom she knew immediately belonged to Elijah. "Yeah, I wish I could've seen their faces." a female voice said. What are they talking about, she thought to herself. Even though she couldn't decide who the female voice belonged to, she was pretty sure it was from Cabin Two. "It didn't affect their competing though, because they seemed just about fine when I checked on them." Elijah said. The girl said, "Yeah, great job on spying on them numb skull." There was a whack and a pathetic whine originating from Elijah. "Hey! What was I supposed to do?" He growled. "Hm, maybe stand against a wall, instead of a window!?" She barked. "Well then I couldn't see their pathetic faces!" He yelled in self defense. Kairi thought for a moment. Could he be talking about her cabin? "You literally got caught by a bunch of geeks, Elijah. A bunch of geeks." She ended her sentence with a hint of disgust.

That girl's words finally connected the dots. Elijah was behind it. He had pretended to be Amelia. He had sabotaged the relationship between Walker and her.

"Yeah, well it's not like it was all my fault, Emma was to blame too." Elijah said. Emma. Kairi had heard that name before, she just couldn't put her finger on it. "Don't you dare throw her under the bus!" The female shouted. "Oh really? Because kissing another human being, involved two people! And Leah, I did not want to kiss that dumb blonde!" He fumed. Kairi then realized that both Emma, and the supposed Leah were from Cabin Two. Leah gasped. "I'm done talking to you." Leah growled and the sound of a door opening and slamming shut was heard.  Kairi got a good look at her before she walked away though. She was tall, had blonde hair, and a lot of freckles showing through the makeup plastered to her face.

Kairi waited to hear the sound of the Cabin Two door shutting before she moved. She ran through the path, looking for a place to mull over what she learned.

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