A Guest

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It was time for the competition of Cabin Four. Kairi stretched out her arms but relaxed. She knew she had nothing to do for the rest of camp, since she couldn't compete. But today, it was the goth cabin, and Violet would be competing. "Are you scared?" Amelia asked her. "Nope," Violet replied, getting out of bed. After they got ready, they gathered by the campfire.

"Greetings everyone, I'm Counselor Cinder. Today, we have Dylan Pridges from Cabin One. Kagan Rellis from Cabin Two. Carl Sergan from Cabin Three. Lissette Rippen from Cabin Four. Brock Neil from Cabin Five. Violet Leijon from Cabin Six. John Crotchwell from Cabin Seven. Riley Zamora from Cabin Eight. Crimson Claw from Cabin Nine. And Cassidy Kenyon from Cabin Ten. Today's challenge is a test of both mental and physical. Just like every day for me." She said rather dully. "You have to get through this obstacle course, while wearing this headset. This headset blinds you, and blasts insults into your ears. Any questions?" Carl Sergan from Cabin Three raised his hand.

"Does the headset cause any brain damage?"

"Of course not."

"So everyone get to the sections that have the signs with your corresponding numbers, then we'll begin." Violet walked over to a large area with large shapes and figures. With a whistle blow, everyone ran forwards. Violet threw her hands in front of her and felt around for a path. A lot of the kids were frowning, and Cassidy looked as if she was about to cry. It must be the insults, Kairi thought. The obstacle course consisted of a couple of cones, some tires, and a bunch of walls with different holes to be climbed through.

Kairi decided to talk to one of her friends, so she looked around for Kylie. She was a few feet away watching the challenge. "Hey Kylie, what's up?" She said walking over to her. "Nothing, just watching this, how are you?" Kylie asked, taking her eyes off the challenge. "I'm doing fine, I was wondering if you knew where Amelia is?" Kairi said. "I think I saw her walk by the path." She replied turning her eyes back to the game. "Thanks Kylie!" Kairi said walking towards the path. "No problem." Kylie yelled after her. Kairi darted towards the opening in the forest, when she saw two people. "Hey Ame-" She began before she saw who else was there. She saw the back of a brown haired kid who she immediately recognized as Walker, who was holding onto Amelia. Kairi began to shake slightly when she saw what they were doing-kissing. Kairi felt hot tears begin to roll down her cheek, so she ran to her cabin. As she ran away, she didn't notice the mischievous grins of the two imposters at the entrance of the path.

Kairi had ran into her cabin and thrown herself into her bed. Kylie had heard the door slam, so she walked in. "Hello?" She asked before seeing Kairi. "Kairi, what's wrong?" She said walking towards her. "Nothing." Kairi said wiping her face. "Come on you can tell me." Kylie said sitting next to her, and comforting her. "Well, I walked to the path, and it was Amelia and Walker-" Kairi said between sobs. "Its going to be alright, go on." Kylie said petting her friend. "I walked towards them, and they were kissing." She finally got out, causing Kylie to gasp. "Are you sure it was them, I mean, I don't think Amelia would do that to you." She said shocked. "I'm sure." She said, wiping a tear away. "Come on, let's go talk to them." Kylie said, helping Kairi to the door. They had both walked to the path, when they got there, they were both gone. "Well, I'll check down the path. I'll be right back." Kylie said running through the trees. After a few minutes, an out of breath girl arrived. "Ka," She began, "iri! No one was there!" She said between breaths. Kairi hung her head, but said, "Thanks, let's just watch the rest of the challenge, I'll be alright." At least until Amelia gets here, Kairi thought to herself through gritted teeth. Even though she said she was alright, they both knew she wasn't. Kairi had a crush on Walker since forever, and Amelia knew that. Kairi just couldn't believe that Amelia would stab her in the back like that.

They both walked out to the challenge area, and the challenge had ended. Cabin Five had gotten first place, Cabin Eight had gotten second, and Cabin Six had gotten third. Kairi grinned as Violet greeted them. "Good job today, Violet." Kylie grinned at her. "Thanks, it was pretty weird." She replied, but looking at Kairi's face, she noticed the dried tears. "What's wrong?" Violet asked. "Well um." Kairi began, but Kylie finished her sentence. "Kairi saw Walker and Amelia kissing by the path." "Oh my gosh, when?" Violet said, her jaw dropping. "Um, about halfway through the challenge." Kairi said. Violet nodded carefully, then walked back to the cabin.

As they walked in the cabin, they noticed Amelia sitting on a bunk. "Yo," Amelia said waving at them. "You have some explaining to do Amelia." Kylie said. "About what?" She asked in return. "Um, I don't know, maybe kissing Walker by the path?" Kairi told her sarcastically. "I would never kiss Walker! You know that I like someone else!" She told the girls. "Mhm, then why did Kairi see someone who looks exactly like you, kissing someone who looks exactly like Walker?" Kylie asked her. "I have no idea, but I swear, I would never betray a friend like that." Amelia said shocked. The three girls got into a group huddle. "I don't think that was Amelia, she wouldn't betray you like that." Violet said quietly. "Yeah, she seems like she's telling the truth too, she doesn't feel that way about him." Kairi chimed in. "Do you think it was someone else? Or maybe both of those kids were other campers." Kylie asked. "Well, maybe..." Kairi considered it. The huddle dissolved, and they began to talk to Amelia. "I'm sorry for accusing you Amelia, you would never do that to me." Kairi said. "No problem I guess-" Amelia began, but gasped mid-sentence. "What?" Kairi asked looking behind her. Amelia was dead silent, but pointed to the window. As she turned to look at it, she saw a figure move away. Kylie gasped, and threw open the door to Cabin Six, and darted after them.

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