Chapter Five. Breach

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I slept lightly, dreaming of what everything had been like before this insanity. I must have slept heavily for once, because I woke up to a terrifying sight. A zombie had somehow reached far enough over our blockade to reach where I was sitting, and snagged my jacket collar. "SHIT! TAKASHI! REI! HELP!" I screamed, and started beating the corpse's arm, trying to disengage from its cold grip. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Takashi lift up his bat, but hesitated. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET THIS SON OF A BITCH OFF ME!" I ordered, still struggling. "I'll hit you though!" Takashi said, trying to get a new angle to strike from. Inside my head, I thought of how fast Hisashi turned from a bite wound. "Fuck that noise." I muttered, and grabbed my assailant's wrist. Giving the almost slick wrist a sharp twist to the left, then down, I heard the bones in the hand crumble. I pressed my advantage, and launched myself backwards, crab walking until I hit Takashi's leg. Getting to my feet, I noticed how the barrier seemed to have moved while I was asleep. The zombie, who I recognized as someone I had knew from the kendo team, flipped over the barrier, causing Takashi and Rei to take a few steps back. "You've got to be kidding me." I groaned as Tomeao "The Tomato" stood to his feet. "So you want a round two? Bring it,ya smelly bastard!" Tomeao merely snarled at me, and reached for me, his broken hand leading the charge. Stepping into reach, I grabbed the arm, and sent the zombie into the railing, causing it to fold in half. My eyes blurred, just like with Mr.Koichi, and before the thing could recover, I grabbed it by it's ankles, and threw it off the roof. Without turning around,I spoke to Takashi."Takashi.... Where would car keys be for the teachers vehicles?" "Uh... the teacher's lounge. But that's past all the zombies." "Also," Rei jumped in, "how do you expect us to get away from these guys?" I scratched my head, realizing they had fair point. I noticed something by where I was sleeping. "With what's in here."I brushed past them,heading to the door where my entire life could have ended by not even three minutes ago. "Quinton,you crazy SOB." Takashi swore. I grinned and tried the door knob, grinning wider when the door opened. "Lady and Gentleman,I give you the fire safety storage." I said with a grandiose flourish. Rei looked between us, a look of confusion on her face. "What are you guys going on about? I shook my head, trying to not to laugh. "This thing has what we need to get out of here."Opening the door wider, I revealed a fire hose and fireman's axe, or also known as a Pulaski. "Takashi. Position yourself in front of those guys with the nozzle facing them." "Right" Takashi moving into position. "Rei. Hit it." Rei nodded and turned the wheel, causing the hose to swell and spray all over the place. "Takashi! Get that thing under control!" Takashi struggled for a little bit, but he managed to aim the nozzle into the gap, knocking back two zombies who had the unfortunate luck to stick their heads between the gap. "Perfect. Let's go. The quicker we get down, the better chance we can escape." Takashi nodded, then looked at the body of Hisashi. Without saying a word, I went over, struggled to remove his jacket, and placed it next to him. Takashi then came over,and placed his hands on his chest. Rei followed suit, and closed the remaining eye that wasn't bashed out. I covered the body and bowed my head. "Hisashi. I promise you this," I said, rising to my feet. "We won't let you die in vain." I walked over to where my axe sat, gleaming in the light. When I picked it up, I noticed it had a slight heft, but it was manageable. "Let's go. We got work to to." Takashi and Rei rose as one. "Strike hard. Strike fast." I motioned them to where we had knocked back the zombies and stood,preparing ourselves for the next step. "CHARGE!" I screamed, raising my axe to meet the next thing in my way.

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