Chapter six. A Awkward position.

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After clearing our way past all the zombies on the roof, we had backtracked back down into our previous entrance. "You guys good?"I asked,one hand on the door handle. Puffing and panting, Takashi gave me a thumbs up and a goofy grin. I looked at Rei and noticed she had barely broken a sweat. "Heh. I always said you spear martial artists had it easy." Rei barely smiled at my weak crack. Shaking my head, I slowly opened the door as a strange popping noise echoed in the stairwell. "You hear that?" I said, cocking my head to listen. Takashi nodded. "Sounded like a CO2 gun. Like what you had in middle school." I nodded, then snuck down the stairs, axe held out in front of me like I was putting the pick end under someone's throat. We had made it down five flights, when we heard a scream. Without a word, we all charged down, with me slamming zombies into the rail, or into the wall, where they would then be killed by Rei or Takashi. We had reached the bottom floor and exited the stairs when we saw Takagi literally drilling a teacher in his head. Scanning the area, I saw four more zombies approaching, and Kohta Hirano, a slightly overweight kid from Mr.Koichi's class. "Takashi. Rei. Help them. I got the newcomers." Takashi looked at me as if I had gone mad, but when I took a step forward, I heard him mutter,"Your funeral.",and turn to the pair in trouble. Running towards the small pack, I saw a flash of dark purple outside my field of vision, but I ignored it, focusing on the first Z that I would engage, a young kid, a freshman by the looks of his Jacket and clothes. They were too neat to be a sophomore's or a junior. Swinging my ax at it's neck, I managed to get a clean kill. Using the momentum of my swing, I turned the ax around and picked the second zombie in the side of its skull. Finishing my rotation, I brought my ax over my head into the top of the third, who was almost within reaching distance of me. Turning to the fourth, I pulled on my ax, but it was stuck. Yanking in the weapon with both hands, I managed to bring the ax into a defensive stance before I was brought down. Holding the zombie at bay, I noticed that this was a girl I had known from the library. Her glasses somehow still hung on to her face as she tried to rip off mine with her teeth. "Get this thing off!" I screamed,pushing the snarling thing away from me. Before either one could move, a WOOSH was heard, followed by a sharp CRACK! The girl fell away, and I was greeted by the view of the kendo teams captain, her bokken's tip inches from my face. "Saeko.... Hey... Long time no see." The tip just edged closer. "Are you bitten?" Saeko demanded. "That's why I like you, Saeko. In a fight, your dead serious. No. I'm not bitten." I showed her my arms to prove my point. Nodding her head, she flipped her bokken to where the handle faced me. I grabbed the handle, and was pulled to my feet. "Its been awhile, Quinton-kun. Last I saw you, it was when you were in the sparring ring with me about what? Two, three years?" I blushed, looking at the ground. "Sorry to break up the reunion, but we got to get Takagi inside!" Rei said, holding Takagi up by the shoulders. Saeko nodded them turned to the woman standing behind her. "Mrs. Shizuka, get them inside the teachers lounge.". Mrs.Shizuka nodded, and hustled them inside. "We can talk inside." I motion with my ax to the door. Saeko smiled a little, then walked towards the door. As she walked by, she brought her bokken down on the skull of a corpse that was sitting by the door. "Your getting sloppy, Quin. You shouldn't have left." As Saeko walked inside, I couldn't help grinning as I followed. "It's good to see you too, Saeko." I replied, as I pulled the door shut.

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