Chapter 20. Quinton to the rescue.

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"Come on. We should get going." I said to Alice. Before I could turn,however, Alice grabbed my sleeve. Surprised, I looked down at her. She pointed at her fathers body. "That's my dad." She said. I groaned inwardly, remembering the incident. "Wait here." I said, picking her up and placing her on a wall away from harm. Searching the yard, I found a small,purple plant right by a clothesline. Picking it, I snatched a white sheet from the line as I walked back. Kneeling down, I put the sheet over the father. Then,I placed the flower on his chest. "Don't worry, sir. Your daughter is safe with me... with us." I said, head bowed. Standing up,I was struck with two things. The first was the red hot rage that,for a second, made me want to break down the door and shoot everyone inside the house. This was followed by the cold, calculating feeling that gave me the horrible, but perfect idea for revenge. I slowly approached the clothesline, and worked at the knot first at one end, then the other. Once I had the line, I carefully snuck my hands around the gate, and nimbly tied a knot, withdrawing my hands before I could get grabbed. Paying out the line, I handed the end to Alice. "Hang on to this. OK?" She nodded. "Could... could you grab Zeke for me?" She asked sweetly. "He's by the bushes." Nodding, I walked over to the bushes. Zeke's probably a stuffed toy. I thought. When I reached the bushes, I was greeted by a small bark, and a even smaller Jack Russell terrier. "Zeke? C'mon boy! Alice wants you." At the mention of Alice, Zeke bounced out of the bushes, and right at me. Stooping low, I scooped him up and promptly returned to Alice, who took Zeke from me with joy. "I'll take that rope." I said, carefully plucking the line from Alice. Walking over to the front door, I stood at the end of my rope, literally and mentally. "You assholes want to kill a little girl's father, just because your SCARED?!" I bellowed. "Well guess what! Karma.... she can be a real bitch." Reaching behind me, I pulled out the Markov that I slipped away from Saeko when I took off my jacket. I could faintly hear Saeko swearing at me, but paying no attention to her, I aimed the barrel of the gun at the door handle, and fired three times. The recoil caused me to compensate by shot two, but the deed was done. Their house was no longer safe. Running to the wall, I snatched up my sledge hammer and leapt up. "Give me Zeke and hop on. We're leaving." Slipping Zeke inside my tank top, I hauled Alice onto my shoulders. "Watch this." Pulling the string as hard as i could,I let the string go and popped the gate back open, letting the horde attack the house. Walking on the walls by me, the trio of us made our escape. After a few minutes, Alice started to squirm. "What up?" I asked, worried. "I-I gotta pee." She whispered. Sighing, I looked around. "Could you maybe hold it for a few more minutes?" I asked desperately. She shook her head. Hanging my head, I sighed again. "Just... just go then." "Right here?" She sounded surprised.I nodded my head. Standing there, I felt a warm liquid trickle down the middle of my back. "Next time," I muttered to myself, "bring spare change of clothes." I felt a zombies foot brush by my boot, but I merely kicked it away. Looking out at the surrounding zombies, I felt scared. Scared that I might not be able to save Alice and her pup. When I took another step, I heard a might roar. Looking down the street, I saw a Humvee barreling down. Saeko stood atop of the vehicle, with Hirano aiming my shotgun out from the peek hole in the roof. Cheering, I ran across the walls tops, stopping at a intersection. Coming to a screeching halt, Saeko launched herself off the roof, and in front of the wall of undead. Taking advantage of how close the truck was, I leapt off the wall and onto the hood. "Take her!" I shouted, handing Alice to Hirano. After Alice was inside, I handed Zeke over too, then turned to Saeko. "Hey gorgeous! Last ride out! You in?" Saeko then turned, and leapt onto the hood. Without a word, she grabbed my tank top straps, pulled me in, and planted a good kiss on me, shutting me up. But only for a second. "Let's ride!" I whooped,pounding on the roof. The Humvee squealed, then roads as we took off, heading for the river.

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