Chapter 29. Revenge is Sweet

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Standing outside the door, I listened as Shidou begged with who I learned it was Rei, Takagi,and the rest of the group. Keeping Katya from lunging out, I waited. "I should kill you for what you did to me and my father!" Rei said, sounding like she was trying not to cry. "He was so distraught when my grades came home, but he tried to hide it.
It made me so upset to see him to beat himself up like that, his reputation tarnished, I swore to get revenge for him. Now I can finally kill you." "Then do it!" Don Takagi boomed, startling me. "I have no problem watching this scum die. I have no ties to him. So do it!" I shook in rage, silently cursing at Rei. If she only knew what Koichi did to some girls from my karate team. Silence was followed, for too long I waited. And waited. Not hearing the scream, I looked at Katya, who shrugged her shoulders in confusion. "Your not worth killing." Rei spat, and I heard her walking away. Unable to stay back, I stepped into the doorway,Katya following me. I saw that in my view of the balcony, Koichi with a look of rage on his face, and the incoming storm in view. "Why, Hello there... Mr.Koichi. long time, no see." Shidou's face paled, his eyes darting from me to Katya. "Mr.McAuliffe. Ms.Rivera. So good to-" Shidou was cut off as Katya rushed forwards, and drove a kick high into his crotch. Gasping, he dropped to his knees. "That's just the first of many to come, you worthless slime." I coolly said, never moving from my spot. "Remember how I said I would kill you if I laid eyes on you? Well Katya wanted in on the deal. I was more than happy to let her in on it." Slipping the knuckles into my pocket, I leaned against the door, appearing to relax. "Now, Shidou Koichi. Its time you got your reality check." Katya grabbed Shidou from behind, straightening him up. Charging at him, I tackled Koichi over the railing and onto the ground about 8 feet below. Rolling to my feet, I watched as Katya leaped over, rolling to land right next to me. "Ladies first." I said, motioning to Koichi's slowly rising figure. Not wasting time, she rushed over, grabbed his head, and slammed it down on the ground twice, breaking his nose and glasses in the process. Hauling him to his feet, she then flipped him to me, making sure he landed hard on his back. "I want you to remember something each time I hit you. Each shot is for a girl you tortured, brainwashed, abused, or just plain out raped them." Cocking back my right hand, I proceeded to punch Shidou in his face, letting all the sounds wash away. I barely felt the rain pour on my back as I struck his jaw. Stopping mid punch, I saw that my right hand was extremely bloody, although from who, I did not know. Whipping out my brass knuckle onto my hand, I pressed the button, and pressed the blade into the spot where his jugular beat a Irish river dance. Holding the blade there, I stared at the snivelling, bloody man, I realized that Rei was right. "You really aren't worth dulling my blade." I spat, sitting back on his chest. "You really are pathetic." I open my mouth to say more, but Koichi had other plans. Driving a bony fist into my injured side, he slipped one hand into his coat and pulled out a switchblade, which he opened up and sliced my cheek with it. Roaring in pain, I grabbed his wrist, snapped it, and grabbed his shirt front, meeting him eye for eye. "Go to the dead, bitch. You were better of not showing your face here." Throwing him across the ground, I watched as Shidou tried to rise, only to be punted in his ribs back over to me by Katya. Watching him rise, I drove the toe of my boot under his body into his gut. "Don Takagi," I shouted, eyes never leaving the groaning mass that was Shidou. "Get this filth and his so called flock out. They make me sick just-" I stopped, coughing up a small amount of blood. "Shit! Saeko! Shizuka!" Katya screamed, helping me sit down. "I swear, Quinton, if you endanger your health, I swear I will kill you." Waving her off, I watched as Koichi was dragged away. "Its over." I said, grinning. "No more Shidou." I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I knew it was Saeko. "That's right. No more Shidou." I sat in the rain as Ms.Shizuka tended to my cuts. Rising to my feet. I walked inside, collapsing on a nearby couch that could have possibly seated seven fine, and taking a small nap.

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