Epilogue. Closure.

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I sat on the roof that night, staring out at the small glimpses of light coming from the fires outside. "I thought I would find you up here" Katya said, startling me. Turning around, I saw Katya,still in her clothes from this afternoon. "I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would talk your ear off for a bit." Motioning her to sit, I scooted over, careful not to slip. When she finally managed to get comfy, I asked her the big question I had been thinking about for awhile. "What kept you from coming back? You were not even a mile down the road." Katya hung her head, and I saw her starting to shake. Reaching over, I saw that she wasn't crying, but laughing. "Oh man. If you knew, you would be so goddamn happy." Staring at her, I racked my brain for things that would make me happy. "Did you get beef jerky?" I half joked, dodging a punch from Katya. "No, you big baka. Its even better than food." Lifting a eyebrow, I watched as she dug for something in her pocket. "Here it is. Consider it a little blast from the past." She handed me something cold and small. Lifting it up to the moonlight! I saw it was a pair of half-moon eyeglasses. "Um... thanks?" I said, confused. I got punched in my arm again. "Your a bigger baka than I thought. Who do you know that has that kind of glasses?" "Takagi, Hirano, Shid..." I faltered off, staring at the glasses, then Katya. "You found him?" She nodded, a evil grin of both pride and hate on her. "I even took photos of before and after. I always did think of him as a dickless coward. Now I guess he is!" She threw her head back and laughed manically, causing me to laugh as well. "Oh my god, Katnip. You are insane! You just saved me a whole day's work, just to hunt the bastard down!" Laughing. We climbed to our feet. "We should probably go to sleep. Alice has lessons tomorrow." Katya said. "What was it your teaching her? Russian?" "Да." I said, agreeing with her. "She's learning pretty dang well too." Jumping down through the hole in the roof, we walked, talking about random things, until we reached my room. "One last thing." Katya said, holding up one hand. I raised a eyebrow, but kept silent. "Don't tell anyone. Not even Saeko. This is our personal thing. Got it?" Zipping my lips shut, I backed into the room. Heading for the bed, I laid down softly, not waking Saeko, and covering myself with the blanket, turning over onto my left, out of habit, I drifted off to sleep quickly, relieved that I had one less problem to deal with, and one less psycho to rid the world of.

High School Of The Dead:Odd Man Out. (FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora