Chapter Fourteen:Part One (M)

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Narrator's POV
Namjoon ran up to the front door of the large house. Clara brushed out her hair and tried to cover some of the bruises on her face.

Namjoon's POV
I pressed the call button on the door and waited. I bit my lip and pushed my hair out of my face. I was mildly sweating, but the cold weather made me want to curl up in a ball on the couch with a thick blanket.

I heard the locks in the door click. I turned my attention back, anticipating entering the warm house. The door swing open to a bruise Clara. Instantly my mouth gapped opened at the sight, but before I could say anything Clara yanked me in.

She smiled at me, "sorry for making you wait in the snow."

"What? Oh- I wasn't out there long." I said quickly, other topics on my mind, "what happened to you?!" I asked shocked as I took her face into my hands and examined the bruise.

Clara laughed, "Um... Really embarrassing story." She laughed and her cheeks grew red, "I kinda... Maybe... Fell down out stairs."

My face fell into my palm as I shook my head at her. I looked back up at her laughing, "how do you even do that?"

"I was distracted." She said sheepishly.

She began walking up the stairs, no doubt heading to her room. I mindlessly followed. O had been in her room before and it wasn't a problem, I figured why should be a problem now.

"Distracted by what?" I asked. We were almost to the top of the stairs.

"A guy I was going to take a shower with." She said bluntly.

Something inside me was disappointed. I thought I was the only one that she was intimate with. I thought I was the one who she wanted to be naked with. Her actions when she was drunk and Saturday night told me she was interested in me in that way... But I guess she wasn't really in a stable state in both of those situations.

"Do you have a towel for me to wipe my sweat off with?" I asked as we made our way down the hall to her bedroom.

"Oh," she glanced back at me, "um, if you want you can use my shower." She offered.

"Really?" I asked.

She pushed open her bedroom door and we walked in, "yeah of course. The spare towels are underneath the sink. In the cabinet to the left of the white medicine drawer."

I laughed as I made my way into the bathroom, "very detailed directions."

"People always end up opening the medicine drawer of the cabinet to the right and find my feminine friends." She winked and instantly I got the gist of what she was saying.

I bowed and went to take the shower.

Clara's POV.
(A/n: this is where it gets smutty)
I shut and locked my bedroom door so no one would walk in looking for me and walk in on something that should not be between two people. I then pulled off my shirt and unclipped my bra, letting them both hit the ground. I pushed down my sweatpants, dragging my underwear off as well. Then I let my hair down before walking into the bathroom.

Namjoon was quietly humming as the water ran and I knew he couldn't hear me. I opened up the glass door to the shower and slipped in while Namjoon was washing shampoo out of his hair.

Maybe this was a bad idea...

I bit down on my lip in nervousness as I tenderly wrapped my arms around Namjoon's waist. He jumped a little at me touch, but he didn't pull away. I pressed my whole body finely against his back.

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