Chapter ~ 13

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Hey guys before I start I want to tell you guys that i'm sorry if Sylvia seems 'stupid', 'naive' or even annoying because she doesn't understand straight away, but trust me I didnt mean for her to be like that. I made her 'inquisitive' and 'questionative', meaning she loves knowledge and will dig deeper into information to truly understand it. Example: When she was told by Oliver about allllllll the things from mates to the moon goddess, she was just simply trying to understand better and process it all.

I just thought I would make that clear as some people in the comments have mention it and my friend (really my fake-adopted-child from school) also gave me some info about it and I do agree :D. (My writing style probably makes her come off opposite the way I want)

ALSO remember that this was like Middle ages - Medieval times, when women didnt have a 'need' or 'wish' to have education. (She can read and write but that was only taught by her father, and she knows more descriptive words because of it)



Oliver's face was red and swelled with fury, his body starting to shake from the growing anger.

Was he going to shift?!

I looked over to Connor, who had now realised that this was no joking manner and that he had to be mature. He placed his head down in summit and stood quite and alone, knowing that if he didn't he would face a brutal wrath.
I could gently hear Andrews worries from outside, probably wondering what was going on and why Connor wasn't replying.

I panicked, was that letter so infuriating to him? And why would he lash out at Connor, for something that seemed so meaningless to me.
I needed Xavier or Elric to help me. Even if I had calmed him once before, that still didn't mean I could do it now, he was angered and irritated but who was I to try and intervene?

Yet, it seemed that I was always forgetting that I could do something. I was his mate, which gave me the duty to love and care for him, just as he would for me, right?

I had to something and it obviously had to be quick.

It was then that Oliver has started to slowly rise from the throne, anger and steam burning from his body. My body which was placed on his, was then lowered slowly down by his arm that then lowered to hold my hip.
I went out to reach for his face, but was interrupted by yet another monstrous roar, it ripped and continued to echo throughout the air surrounding us.

I lurched for his face once more, using both hands to turn his gaze towards me. His beautiful brown eyes had now darken, even glints of red appearing time-to-time. It was shocking. For a man who has been so nice to my brother and I, to have these blood-thirsty eyes, just made me beg to know what was in that darn letter.

His head would slightly twitch now and then in my hold, desperately wanting to get to Connor, but I knew if I did that it would be all over.

He could use his strength to easily escape from my petty hold, but it was as if he was still there, still balancing weather or not to hurt me to get to Connor, or to dismiss it all and listen to me.

Thankfully, he went with the last choice.

He released a deep breath, closing his eyes as he did, only to be greeted once more with those gentle, brown eyes. It made the whole room - well, just Connor and I relax, the air feeling lighter and easy to breath, no heavy tension around. Connor let his knees fall to the floor with a 'thud', deep and heavy breaths coming from him, possibly holding his breath the whole time.

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