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Tessa^^I didn't like Tara anymore so now it's Tessa.

We had been at the park for about an hour when Tessa had to leave. So now it was just me and Adam. We were sitting in the bed of his truck looking up at the sky.

"What was your favorite thing as a child? Like what did you like to do?" He suddenly asked.

I hummed. "I always loved working in the garden with my mom....What about you?"

He laughed. "Annoying my older brother and sister." I laughed at that too.

"What do you miss most?" I asked.

"Not having a care in the world. Now it's all about college and living on your own...."


"What do you miss most."

I knew I shouldn't have said it...But I did. "My parents. They dies a long time ago."

"Well I bet their proud of you right now." I turned my head to look at him. 


"Because even though their gone, you still live your life."

I hummed in response. He turned to look at me. "I'm glad I met you."

"I'm glad I met you too." I said smiling. He smiled back. We sat up when his phone rang. 

"Hello?....Yeah...Okay see you soon." He said then turned to me. "I have to go but I'll drop you off on my way home."

I nodded and he helped me out of the back of his truck. I got into the passenger seat and we were off. "Maybe I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

"Yeah." I replied, shutting the door. I waved and walked inside my house. I went up in my room and did my homework before going downstairs when I smelt food.

So now we sat across from each other, eating spaghetti in silence. My thoughts were racing when one popped out.

"Do you hate me?" I asked looking up from my bowl. She met my eyes and sighed.

"No I don't hate you....I just, I get mad because I can't live my life with you living here. I'm sorry Avery."

"Aunt Charlie don't be afraid to live your life around me. I am 16 already. I just don't have a car." I said giving her a small smile.

"God your just like your mother." She said looking down. "I've been so horrible to you, like it was your fault their gone. I bet Genevieve is so disappointed in me...." 

"No. I bet she's proud. You didn't let me live in a foster home. You took me in even though you wanted to live your life without me as a burden."

"That means a lot Avery...Thank you. Now your mother wasn't going to give this to you until you were 18 but now we need to use it for something else."

I looked up at her excitedly.






So here we are now on Saturday, March 19th at the car dealership getting me a car. Now it wasn't enough to get a really awesome car, but it was enough.

 Now it wasn't enough to get a really awesome car, but it was enough

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I was so happy I almost squeezed my aunt to death. She laughed and patted my back. "You do have your license right?" I nodded with a giant smile.

"Alright so I'll probably see you at home okay?" I nodded and hopped in my car, driving right to Tessa's.

I jumped out of my car running up to her front door and knocking. Tessa answered and widened her eyes.

"How did you get here?"

"I have a car!!"I yelled jumping up and down. Her jaw dropped.

"TO THE MALL!!" She yelled grabbing my hand and shutting the door behind her. We jammed out to the music on my radio to our favorite song.

I was not shy around Tessa. If I was I wouldn't be yelling the lyrics out the window.

"Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me!!"

(I honestly love how she's eating a taco the whole video. lmao)

We got out of my car laughing and walked into Khols. We went to the makeup and perfume and I looked while Tessa looked.

Suddenly she gasped. "Av you have to let me do your make up." She said grabbing my shoulders. 


"Well since we can't test eyeliner and mascara. I need new stuff anyways so I'll buy some and we can go into the bathroom to do your makeup."

"I don't know...." I said.

"Pleeeeaaassseee." She pouted.

"Okay fine, but only this once." She clapped her hands and picked out new makeup while I tried on some perfume.

"Okay let's go." She said grabbing my hand. Once we were in the bathroom she got to work on getting the makeup ready. 

"Hold still."

"Sorry." I replied.

"Okay open your eyes and look at me. " I did as she asked and she gasped. 

"See I knew I shouldn't have done it, I knew I would look like a cl-" I stopped and gasped when I saw myself in the mirror.

I touched my face making sure it was actually me.

I touched my face making sure it was actually me

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"Damn girl if I was gay...." Tessa said. I laughed and she laughed too.

She put her makeup in her purse and we went out into the mall laughing with each other. Tessa pulled me into Victoria's Secret and I groaned. 

"Ohhhh look at this thong it's so cute." She said holding up a while lacy one. I scrunched my face. "At least get some regular ones. It's a 10 for 10 sale. When does that ever happen."

I searched and actually found 5 pairs that I liked. "You only have 5. Hmm. Can you at least try a thong?"

I sighed. "Why?"

"Just try it, you won't be disappointed...probably." She pushed me into a fitting room and handed me a black one with lace around the top part.

I slipped it on over my underwear and she was right. I wasn't disappointed. So I got 5 regular pairs and 5 thongs.

We walked out of the store with out bag and decided to try on clothes for the heck of it and maybe get something.

"Ohh. Let's go into Hollister, then Charlotte rouse! Oh! Maybe even Wet seal." Tessa said looking at all the store names.

I could tell this would be a long day, but of course it would be fun. 


1034 words.

Total Word Count- 3607

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