4- Shit

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Yeah ^

We walked into Charlotte Rouse with a bag attached to our hand from Hollister. We had our arms looped together and smiles on our faces. 

Everything was going the way I wanted it to. Tessa wasn't my only friend now. I had Adam as I friend.  The down was my bright green cast on my arm. That got some stares. 

"Oh Avery let's go over there." She said jumping up and down and dragging me over there with her.

We tried on sun glasses and I took mine off and heard a familiar voice. "Shit." I turned towards the voice to see Adam with wide eyes.

I smiled and waved as I walked over to him. "Hey what are you doing here?"

"You mean the mall?"

"No....A girls clothing shop." I said with a laugh.

"Oh right. My buddy is trying to find a gift for his girlfriend. You think you could help him?"

"Yeah sure where is he?"

"He's the one sweating over there." He said pointing to a corner. I laughed and I turned back to Tessa.

"I'll be right back." I said. She gave me a thumbs up and I turned to walkover.

"Ray I got help. This is Avery, she's on the volleyball team from school." Adam said. Ray lifted his head and met my eyes.

"Girl help. Thank god." He said letting out a held in breath. 

"So what does your girlfriend like?" I asked.

He told me about her and I smiled at the love in his eyes. 

"Well I can't really pick it out cause it has to come from your heart. It never has to be big, it can be small and out of love. She sounds like she really loves you. I see it in your eyes that you love her so once you set your eyes on something, your mind will shoot to her. Don't second guess yourself."

He gave me a smile and went over to the necklaces. He lifted one up and nodded with a big grin. He showed me and my eyes widened.

"Oh my god that's so pretty." I said.

"Thanks for your help." He said bringing me in for a hug. I was hesitant but then wrapped my arms around him.

We pulled apart and Ray left to go to the cash register so I was left with Adam. "You really helped him out. Thanks for that." He said.

"No problem. I have to get back to Tessa but I'll see you around."

He nodded and I walked back over to Tessa.

We finished our shopping and I dropped her back off at home.



Such a horrible day. I sighed getting up from my bed and taking a shower after putting a bag over my cast. 

After I got out I went to the bathroom and then went to get dressed. I pulled out my new clothes and after talking on the phone with Tara for an hour, she convinced me to wear the new outfit.

It didn't really look like anything I would go to school in, so it would be a little 'out there' for me. I looked in the mirror and bit my lip.

I doubted myself before shaking my head and grabbed my keys off my dresser

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I doubted myself before shaking my head and grabbed my keys off my dresser. I walked down stairs and grabbed a green apple before heading out the door.

Aunt Charlie left early since she didn't need to drive me anymore. So I got in my car and drove to school for the first time.

I debated my outfit choice the whole ride there. I sighed and got out of my car and I swear. All. Eyes. On. Me.

I bit my lip again, getting self-conscious. I kept my head down as I walked through the front doors. I actually bumped into someone and I hadn't even been in the school for a minute.

Before I fell over an arm wrapped around my waist to stop me. I looked up to see Adam. I smiled. "Thanks Adam, I'm glad it was you....Anybody else would have been bad." I said standing straight up.

He removed his arm as soon as I was up right and smiled back. "Hey Avery. Oh I wanted to tell you that Ray's girlfriend loved the gift he got her. He wanted me to tell you thanks."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "He's not here?"

"Oh no. He's sick and his girlfriend- who's name is Tegan- is taking care of him like the amazing girlfriend she is to him." He said nodding.

"Well I'm glad she liked it, but I really didn't do anything, he just needed to know what to search for, he knows her really well then."

"Yeah their good together. Complete opposites, but you know what they say, opposites attract."

I laughed at that as he changed his voice. The warning bell rang and I said goodbye to Adam before heading to my locker.


I sat on the uncomfortable chair watching as my team got killed on the court. Maggie was getting stressed, cause it was all on her in the beginning to get it over and she couldn't concentrate.

I looked to the ref and called it. "Ref, time!" He looked over at me and nodded, calling a time. 

(I don't actually know if that's allowed or if the person is even called a ref but whatever.)

I walked out onto the court and went up to Maggie. "Maggie it's okay, just calm down. Take a deep breath and get it over the net. You can do it, I know you can." I said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I can't Avery. This is so stressful."

"No, you're making it stressful on you. Take a deep breath and launch it over. You got it." She nodded and I walked back over, and sat.

The game went on and when the serve went, she made it over and we started gaining points. By the end of the game we had won.

Maggie ran over and hugged me. "Thank you Avery." 

"You're welcome Maggie." I said smiling.


1013 Words

Total Word Count- 4620

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