19- I'm ready

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I might actually finish this book on my phone. God it's been a long ride.


"Yes Avery."

"Promise me we will never turn into one of those couples who do this," I cleared my throat using my best girly voice," You hang up first, no you hang up first."

Adam laughed through the phone and I could almost see him shaking his head. "We won't I promise."

"When are you coming to visit? I miss you oh so very much."

"I don't know Av's.... Mayyybbbbeeee.."

My door slammed open and the person said one word.


I squealed and got off my bed and jumped in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

He almost fell but he steadied himself and held me up by my thighs.

I planted my lips on his and damn did it feel nice. Tongue action started happening and that when I felt Adam jr come to life.

Adam pulled away and set me down. He groaned and sat down on my bed. I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"So I see Tessa has a man in her life."

"That's is a very long story. 3 months ago Tessa found out she was pregnant. I went with her to go back to her baby daddy's apartment and now her and Tyson have a 'for the baby' only relationship. It's complete bullshit though. I caught them making out, they don't know that though."

"Well shit. What else happened while I was gone?"

"Oh yeah, my aunt got married."

"Avery what the heck, you don't tell me anything."

"I'm sorry but we've both been busy with very different things," I said frowning.

He pecked my lips. "It's understandable. Coach has been pushing is hard. I can't believe this is the first I've seen of you since I left in June. I even missed your birthday."

"It's fine. I didn't even do anything really. It is almost your birthday though. I can't believe how fast time has flown. I'm very sad that this is the first time you've been able to come home."

"Man I'm getting old."

"You're turning 19 it's not even old."

Adam was about to argue but my phone rang. I answered Tessa's call.

"Yes Tessa."

"Do you and Adam want to go out to eat with me and Tyson? We're going to Coney Island."

"Ohhhh yeah. What time?"

"Well we're about to leave so...now."

"Okay we'll meet you there."


"Adam were going to Coney Island with Tessa and Tyson."

He nodded with a smile. We got off my bed and I grabbed my keys off my desk. My aunt and I had gotten me another car over the months.

She was just tired of me borrowing her car.

By the time we got to Coney Island Tyson and Tessa were sat at a booth. Tessa waved to us and Tyson helped her get out of the booth.

We walked over to them and I - with the best I could- hugged Tessa. She was already 5 months along.

Once we all sat down I looked at Tessa with an excited smile.

"So did you find out the sex?"

Tessa's face lit up. "We're having a boy. We already got a name picked out."

"Damn it would take me until my kid was born to find a name."

Everybody laughed. I laughed too of course. "Well his name is going to be Nico." Tyson said with a big grin.

Both of them have gone a long way. It took Tyson a week to call Tessa when I first met him.

Tessa's mom was disappointed but she loves Tessa with all she's got. She says she dislikes Tyson but I think she is secretly hoping Tessa and him get together. I have to say that I am too.

All four of us joked around and at one point Tessa squealed excitedly and grabbed Tyson's hand resting it on her belly.

"He's kicking," Said Tyson staring at her belly with love in his eyes. Without Tessa noticing he moved his eyes up to her and that love didn't fade.

I turned to Adam who saw the same thing. I smirked at him. He stuck his tongue out at me.

Our food came right after that and everybody happily dug in.

I had a double surprise for Adam when we got back to my place.

He was gonna love it. So after we said our goodbyes to Tessa and Tyson.

Hold on. I never actually noticed but me and Adam both have names that start with A. Aunt Charlie and Colin and the same with C. Then there's Tyson and Tessa with the T.

That's scary. Okay now back to what I was saying. We drove back to my house jamming out to the music playing on the radio.

"So where is your aunt and Colin?"

"Their on their honey moon. They kinda took an extended week."

Adam nodded and we walked back up stairs to my room.

"So I have 2 surprises for you Adam."

"Do you now?"

"Yes. The first one is that I applied for four colleges and I got into 3. First was one in Florida, second was one in Oregon, and the third...."

"Both are so far away....What's the third."

I smiled.

"Avery what's the third."

"Your college."

"Which one did you choose?" He said staring at me with calculating eyes.

"Well all three were very good but. The one in Oregon said they were excited to have me. Florida one said the same thing. But your college made the most since plus they said they couldn't wait to have me attend. But I decided..."

"Avery just tell me..."

"Yours," I breathed out.

I waited for a reaction. Adam was frozen as he stared at me.

Then his lips were on mine. He pulled away and he was beaming. "What's the second surprise."

"I'm ready."

"Ready for what?"

"To give up my v card."

He searched my eyes. He searched for what felt like 5 minutes. Then he nodded and we were kissing again.

All I can say was that is was the best night of my life.


1042 words

Total word count- 20,734

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