10- "Avery...."

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Well now that we got that bitch out of the way.

"Aaaaaddddddaaaaammmmmm," I drawled out, poking his cheek. He didn't even move. I got up off the floor and went out into the hallway. I started crying out like a banshee and ran back into Adam's room and launched myself at him.

It worked. 

"What the fuck," Adam groaned. I moved my body off of him. When my knee pushed on his stomach I furrowed my eyebrows. 

I was standing as Adam rolled over on his stomach. 

"You really let yourself go Adam," I said thinking of my knee on his stomach.

"You didn't put your knee on my stomach Avery, you put it on my dick," He squeezed out.

I blushed. "Heh heh. Oops?"

"Fuck," He cursed finally sitting up.


"What are you even doing here?"

I gasped. "Did you forget?"

"Uh...Forget what?" He said raising his eyebrows. He didn't have the skills to raise just one like me.

My face dropped. "It's my birthday," I said quietly. I looked down and when I looked up Adam's eyes widened. 

"Oh god please don't cry. I'm so sorry Avery. I'll make it up to you! I swear!" He got up and crushed me into a hug. "Shit Avery please don't cry."

When he pulled back to look at my face I was laughing. I could totally be an actress, I got the fake tears down.

(I always forget things. If I didn't say ages I'll say them now. Avery's 16 and Adams 17 rn. While I'm here what color were Adam's eyes again if I said the color earlier in the book?)

"Adam it's your birthday you dufus," I said laughing. 

He looked very confused so I held my phone up and showed him the date. He seemed to be thinking before his eyes widened. 

"Hey you little liar, I literally thought you were crying."

"I would say I'm sorry but I'm not," I laughed, "You knew it was the 11th yesterday so how did you miss that it would be the 12th today. You know, March 12th the day you turn 18?"

He gave me a flat look. "I've had a lot on my mind. Where's my parents anyways?"

"They said for me to tell you their sorry, they couldn't get off work today."

He looked slightly sad. "I don't really celebrate my birthday anyways."

"What? Oh come on you have to. At least with me."

"No. Go home I just want to sleep my birthday away."

"So I got you a present for nothing?" I said with my mouth open.

His eyes shot up to mine. "You bought me something?"

"Why yes I did Adam. You are my best friend after all, it's what friends do."

He looked away from me. Well that was weird. He was happy I got him something but now he just looks.....not happy.

"What is it?"

"Oh it's not here. Were going out for this. This is a whole day outing. You'll get your present at night on your roof."

"Why my roof?"

"Because my roof is bull," I said nodding. 

"But....My bed." He said and turned to his bed with a longing look.

"Take a shower and get dressed. I'll be raiding you fridge downstairs. Oh and don't even think of going back to bed because I will come back soon and if I find you there you won't be happy." I said backing out of his room.


"Avery I'm done with this," Adam said looking bored. 

I scowled at him. "Enjoy it turd."

"I honestly didn't want to do shit today," He said sounding a little pissed.

"It's your birthday and I know you were lying in your room. You always do something for your birthday. I know yo-"

"You don't know anything Avery. I'm pretty sure you know that fact because of my parents. But I spent the last 2 birthday with Molly. She only cheated on me at the end of February so sorry if I'm not in the mood to be celebrating."

I frowned. "I was just trying t-"

"Just take me home." he said looking around at the people giving us glances. I put down a 10 dollar bill at the small cafe and went to my car where Adam waiting.

I pulled in front of his house and I got out with him. "Hey wait Adam!" I said out to him.

He stopped and I knew he was listening. "Go up on your roof at 8:55, your present starts at 9."

He continued walking and once the door was shut I sighed. I drove home and plopped down on my couch. 

I didn't think he would get mad. I did actually know he spent the last two birthdays with Molly, I was trying to cheer him up though.

He didn't seem like himself lately since the Molly thing, she really hurt him and it didn't help that she accused him of liking me. 

Like dude no. Adam was my best friend now. I could never think of dating him or even liking him like...that.

I'm pretty sure Adam feels the same way. So I sat on my couch with a big bowl of popcorn in my lap, watching my favorite movie of all time. 

White Chicks. 

My favorite part had to be when 'Brittany' or 'Tiffany' blew powder out of their hand as an insult to Megan and Heathers' moms breast milk. I swear I cry at least three times during this movie because it so damn funny.

But this time I watched it wasn't that funny. I just felt sad and felt like Adam was mad at me.

I checked the time and seen it was already 8:59. I waited for 9 to see if I could hear the bang of Adam's gift.

I listened very carefully and heard it go off. I smiled slightly hoping Adam had been on his roof. I went back to my movie and shoved a bunch of popcorn in my mouth.

"We got our knees done."

"You can do that?"

I let out a little laugh and frowned when someone knocked on the front door. It was only 9:08 at night. But who would be knocking now?

I was home alone, my aunt was out on a date and I'm pretty sure it continued seeing as it was already 9.

I got up and checked the peep hole to see Adam looking anxious. I opened the door and stared up at Adam.

"Avery...." He said quietly.

I didn't get to say anything back because Adam's lips were on mine.


1062 words

Total word count- 10,725

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