15- Back Again

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I could finally breath. I know my family and friends were happy to know I was now breathing on my own. But I just wanted to wake up and see their faces.

For me it seemed like it had only been 2 days. I don't know how long it has been out in the real world. I'm just stuck in my mind.

I knew that breathing without the tube was a step forward. Everybody finally decided that it was fine to go home for a little bit, since I wouldn't just flat line out of no where. I was getting better.

Right now everyone was gone. I had no idea what to do. Usually I would put my mind towards listening to them or thinking of the person holding my hand, how Adam would rub his thumb across my hand.

But I had nothing to do. Well that's what I thought. I heard the door open and then it shut a minute later.

"So how long did you say she had been in a coma?" A girl asked.

"Well I heard, I don't know for sure. But what an attending said was that she just started breathing on her own after like 2 months," Okay now this girl sounded bitchy.

"Well what happened?"

"Drunk driver. That guy died. Oh and did you know her boyfriend yelled at Macie, Ian, and Tommy? Apparently he had just asked her out and when she left this happened."

"Well that's just depressing."


"Wanna bet money on when she'll wake up."

The other girl laughed. "I'm pretty sure she's not gonna wake up. I mean she had major brain surgery and I heard Dr Warren messed up. He probably fucked up her brain so bad, she'll never wake up."

"But...She started breathing on her own."

"Yeah, just watch she'll go into organ failure soon," The bitch snorted.

A cleared throat broke the girls talking about me. "Finley, Whiney, I didn't know you knew her."

"O-Oh yeah Dr West."

"Get your asses out of here right now. I know you don't know her. This girl is probably fighting for her life right now and your sitting her wanting to make bets and then saying she'll never wake up and she'll go into organ failure. Go back to the front desk, right now."

I heard scrambling and then the door shut, and I was once again alone. 

Okay, okay I can do this. I can open my eyes. I can at least move something. I could feel my whole body it just felt like a force was holding all my limbs down, including my eyelids.

I fought and fought until I saw something other than darkness. It was night but there was a lamp next to my bed, I could see the light shinning onto the ceiling. I blinked a couple times so everything would become clearer.

I slowly lifted my arms and bent them a little, one had a white cast on it and it had writing on it. I carefully sat up and looked around until my eyes landed on a calendar. My eyes widened in surprise. It had been a month and a half.

I looked down at my leg that was above the blanket. Another white cast. It also had writing on it. 

I pushed the thin sheet and blanket off me and turned so my feet hung off the bed. I felt a pinch in my arm and looked down at my inner elbow.

I pulled the IV out of my arm and took the finger thingy off my pointer finger. A beep rang through the room, bouncing off the walls.

I covered my ears and cringed. I looked at the noisy machine and pushed every button until it shut up. It didn't take that long.

I got up, trying not to put pressure on my cast. Who knows what state my leg is in right now. I waddled out of my room and looked around for a phone. There sat a phone at a desk. I slowly walked there ignoring the girls behind it, on their phones, chewing gum.

I grabbed the phone and pressed in the numbers. "Hello? Is it Avery? What happened?! Please answer! What's wrong with her!!? What's wrong!!" My aunts shrill voice rang through the phone.

I pulled it away from my ear. Why was she so loud. "Why are you so loud?" I murmured into the phone. I heard a crash and then a slam. "Hello?" I hung up and put the phone back where I found it.

I looked up to find the two girls staring at me with pale faces, and wide eyes. I gave them a weird look before I looked around for a sign that said where the elevators were.

I followed the signs slowly of course and pressed the down button. I waited until I could finally step on and pressed the L button.

Once the doors opened I was met with a lot of noise. I covered my ears and the irritation appeared on my face.

I ended up walking towards the noise. A bunch of people in blue scrubs were laughing loudly. "Shut up," I groaned.

They all stopped and turned to look at me. I un covered my ears and continued walking towards the front entrance. 

A hand on my arm stopped me. I turned my head to stare on the girl. "Miss, I don't think your allowed to leave. What floor are you on?"

All of the sudden, the two girls from the front desk frantically came running to me. "Oh my god, thanks for stopping her Lizzy."

"She's on your floor?"

I saw them nod.

"How is she in the icu."

"She was in a coma. I guess she woke up but I don't know how she made the machine stop beeping if she took the finger thing off."

I started feeling dizzy just standing there. "So weird." I muttered before I passed out.

Lizzy's POV

Luckily I was able to catch her in my arms. I put her down on the floor and checked her pulse. "Somebody get me a crash cart!" I yelled, starting CPR

"Oh my god! Avery!" I heard. I looked up quickly to see on older woman run towards us. "What happened?"

"She woke up from her coma and found her way down here. I think everything happening around her was to much. Comatose patients who wake up, aren't supposed to get up and walk around right away." Whiney said.

I looked over my shoulder to see the crash cart and moved her gown to shock her. We charged them and with one shock, I checked her pulse and she was back.

Her eyes flickered open. "Avery can you hear me?" I asked her. 

She gave me a slight nod and we got a stretcher to take her back upstairs. I then left it with the people who were supposed to be caring for her from now on.

Avery's POV

I was back in my room with the machine beeping loudly. I was sat up and my aunt was standing next to my bed with Colin. 


I turned my head towards my aunt and met her eyes. She closed me in for a tight hug. 

My first real though since I woke up, was that I was finally awake. I just needed to see the rest of my 'family'.

Now this is what I wanted.


I realize it's quite corny....Ehhh it's fine.

1200 words

Total word count- 16,206

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